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Nintendo Wiki
From the Nintendo Wiki, a wiki covering all things Nintendo
Team Kirby Clash Deluxe is a free-to-play game that was released for Nintendo 3DS on April 12, 2017. It is a digital-only game, which means it is only available on Nintendo eShop. The game features quests, which 4 Kirby characters across a range of 4 roles must defeat the enemy. Experience points, fragments, and sometimes gem apples, are given to Kirby who complete quests. There are 256 Heroic Missions. Users can enter their passwords and use amiibo to gain fragments and gem apples. Users can buy more gem apples, with 50 gem apples costing 49 cents, and can reach as high as $19.99 for 2150 gem apples. The tree holds 5 gem apples every 12 hours, which can be grown to 450 gem apples by buying gem apples.