Nintendo Wiki:Book sources

This page is the source text used by Special:BookSources.

For assistance, see Help:ISBN.

This page links to catalogs of libraries, booksellers, and other book sources where you will be able to search for the book by its International Standard Book Number (ISBN).

  • If you arrived at this page by clicking an ISBN link in a Wikipedia page, you will find the full range of relevant search links for that specific book by scrolling to the find links below. To search for a different book, type that book's individual ISBN into this ISBN search box.
  • Spaces and hyphens in the ISBN do not matter. Also, the number starts after the colon for "ISBN-10:" and "ISBN-13:" numbers. 
  • An ISBN identifies a specific edition of a book. Any given title may therefore have a number of different ISBNs. See #Find other editions below for finding other editions.
  • An ISBN registration, even one corresponding to a book page on a major book distributor database, is NOT definite proof that such a book actually exists. A title may have been cancelled or postponed after the ISBN was assigned. Check to see if the book exists or not.

Online text Edit

Google Books and may be helpful if you want to verify citations in Wikipedia articles, because they often let you search an online version of the book for specific words or phrases, or you can browse through the book (although for copyright reasons the entire book is usually not available). At the Open Library (part of the Internet Archive) you can borrow and read entire books online.

Online databases Edit

Subscription eBook databases Edit

Libraries Edit

Worldwide Edit

Africa Edit

Nigeria Edit

South Africa Edit

Zimbabwe Edit

Central America and the Caribbean Edit

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Barbados Edit

Guatemala Edit

Jamaica Edit

Mexico Edit

Trinidad and Tobago Edit

Canada Edit

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Public libraries Edit

Universities and colleges Edit

United States Edit

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Public libraries by state Edit

















New Jersey

New Mexico

New York

North Carolina





Rhode Island

South Carolina

South Dakota




Washington state


Universities and colleges Edit

Asia Edit

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Bangladesh Edit

China, People's Republic Edit

Hong Kong, S.A.R. of China Edit

India Edit

Indonesia Edit

Iran Edit

Israel Edit

Japan Edit

Korea Edit

Malaysia Edit

Philippines Edit

Universities and colleges Edit
Other libraries Edit

Singapore Edit

Taiwan, Republic of China Edit

Thailand Edit

Australasia and Oceania Edit

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Australia Edit

Public libraries Edit
Academic libraries Edit

New Zealand Edit

Public libraries Edit
Academic libraries Edit

Europe Edit

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Austria Edit

Belgium Edit

Bosnia and Herzegovina Edit

Croatia Edit

Czech Republic Edit

Denmark Edit

Estonia Edit

Finland Edit

France Edit

Germany Edit

Greece Edit

Hungary Edit

Iceland Edit

Ireland Edit

Italy Edit

Luxembourg Edit

Montenegro Edit

Netherlands Edit

Norway Edit

Poland Edit

Portugal Edit

Romania Edit

Russia Edit

Serbia Edit

Slovenia Edit

Spain Edit

Sweden Edit

Switzerland Edit

Turkey Edit

United Kingdom Edit

Public libraries Edit
Universities Edit

Bookselling and swapping Edit

Price comparison sites Edit

Find your book on a site that compiles results from other online sites:

Search many booksellers Edit

These sites allow you to search the catalogs of many individual booksellers:

Non-English book sources Edit

If the book you are looking for is in a language other than English, you might find it helpful to look at the equivalent pages on other Wikipedias, linked below – they are more likely to have sources appropriate for that language.

Find other editions Edit

The WorldCat xISBN tool for finding other editions is no longer available. However, there is often a "view all editions" link on the results page from an ISBN search.

Google books often lists other editions of a book and related books under the "about this book" link.

You can convert between 10 and 13 digit ISBNs with these tools:

Find on Wikipedia Edit

Further reading on Wikipedia Edit