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List of Captain Rainbow staff
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This is a list of the staff involved with Captain Rainbow.
- Ryosuke Sumida
- Kenichi Nishi
Main System Programming
- Hironori Ahiko
- Junko Muroyama
- Tatsuo Koike
Main Character & Map Design
- hikarin
Effect & Map Design
- Miho Tounai
Map Design
- Yousuke Iizuka
- Kazuaki Arai
- Motosuke Kuroda
Music, SE & Sound Director
- Hirofumi Taniguchi
Progress Management
- Mariko Shibata
Title Logo Design
- Toki Kando
Technical Support
- Masahiro Takeguchi
- Hironobu Kakui
Debug Support
- Sayoko Yokote
- Miyachi
- Super Mario Club
- Kazuo Hachimata
- Akihiro Sakatani
Special Thanks
- Sarugakucho Co. Ltd.
- Shunsuke Yoshida
- Miki Yamauchi
- Koji Kondo
- Toshiyuki Nakamura (Intelligent Systems Ltd.)
- Development Section 160
- Tao
Supervisors (Character Models)
- Tsuyoshi Watanabe
- Yusuke Nakano
- Takashi Tezuka
- Toshitaka Muramatsu (Intelligent Systems Ltd.)
- Toshihiro Nishii (Intelligent Systems Ltd.)
Assistant Producer
- Kensuke Tanabe
- Hiroshi Suzuki
Executive Producer
All Rights. including the copyrights of Game, Scenario,
Music and Program, Reserved by NINTENDO.