List of Arcade Bunny quotes

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This is a list of quotes by the Arcade Bunny.

Nintendo Badge Arcade[edit]


  • "Huh? You "guess so"?! C'mon, now. I'm living the dream here!"
  • "I just get so excited when I can share my love of games with folks."
  • "...Heh. Sorry. I know I can come off as kind of intense sometimes."
  • "So yeah... Please don't mind me if I act a little strange sometimes."
  • "Tell you the truth, I only did catch ONE on my first try..."
  • "And, hey, thanks for putting up with me for so long!."
  • "Sorry for getting so dramatic, but I really want to look out for you."
  • "Gosh, I'm sorry about that. I'm so forgetful sometimes!"
  • "Add the matching theme and...voilà! Nifty, huh?"'
  • "Oh and check THESE out! Pretty sweet, amiright?"
  • "REALLY real. ...Heh. Pretty sweet look, right?"
  • "Feel free to ask me anything you like. Anything at all!"
  • "Uhhh... Just don't ask me anything TOO weird, OK?"
  • "I sure do love the company, you know."


  • "If you have any trouble, just tap me."
  • "You caught three at once?! Awesome!"
  • "You have 19 plays left to go, eh? Awesome!"
  • "Right! You've got 18 plays left. Have fun!"
  • "You've got 17 plays left. Good luck!"
  • "You have 16 plays to go. Enjoy!"
  • "You've got 15 plays left. Enjoy 'em!"
  • "You've still got 14 plays left. Go for it."
  • "You've got 13 plays to go. Have at it!"
  • "You've got 12 plays left. Give it your all."
  • "You have 11 plays to go. Good luck!"
  • "You have 10 more plays left. Nice."
  • "Nine more plays to go. Keep it up!"
  • "Eight plays left. Ooh, I like that number."
  • "Seven plays left. Yay! Lucky number seven!"
  • "Six plays to go. Don't wast 'em!"
  • "Five plays left. Let's see what you've got!"
  • "Four plays left!"
  • "You're down to three plays. Good luck!"
  • "Let's see what you've got!"
  • "Two more plays to go. Oooh, this is intense!"
  • "This is your last play. Give it all you've got!"
  • "That was amazing!"
  • "You're a total badge-catcher master here!"
  • "You must really love badges, huh? Ooh, I know how you feel."
  • "That's the fifth set you've finished today! ...Yeah, I'm keeping track."
  • "That's your seventh complete set for today. You're on fire!"
  • "Whoa! And another one bites the dust! Nicely done."
  • "Hey, now! If you don't slow down, we're gonna run out of badges!"
  • "Are you seriously gonna get ALL of them?! This I gotta see."
  • "WHOA! You're a badge-catcher master! Boy, wait'll I tell the boss."
  • "This is incredible! You' total badge-catcher champion!"


  • "Surrounded by Mario and co.! Heaven!"
  • "Whoa! Déjà vu! I saw you earlier today, right?"
  • "I'm starting a brand new feature! It's called..."
  • "Heh heh. Basically I'm just going to talk about my favorite games."
  • "Yep, that's who you think it is, all right!"
  • "Now your collection is guarded by yours truly."
  • "...Or at least, that was my thinking when I was carving the thing."
  • "Check out these cool Zelda badges!"
  • "Featuring some of my favorite characters..."
  • "They even made a Triforce badge!"
  • "Are you a squid or are you a kid?"
  • "WHAT?! How do you play video-games with those tentacle things?!"
  • "Whew! No offense, but squids kind of creep me out!"
  • "Luckily they're easy to defeat."
  • "... you just jump on 'em with de-feet!"
  • "Haw-haw-haw! "De-feet"! Get it?!"
  • "I'm sorry. That was a really bad joke. Please don't tell my boss."
  • "I'm Professor Badgegrab, but you can call me the Badge Prof."
  • "You chose the cheeseburger, which means you take action."
  • "But it doesn't really matter, 'cuz that was only a practice question."
  • "I just needed some ideas for supper tonight. Ha!"
  • "[You are challenged by Team Dark Bunny!]"
  • "HAH! You can only use Splash? That's kinda hilarious."
  • "The Pokémon battle has ended. That was SO awesome!"
  • "Yay, cool HOME Menu designs!"
  • "It looks like one of those crazy Super Mario Maker courses!"
  • "Hmmm, I wonder what Mario's exit strategy is here?"
  • "I love how it combines the worlds of Animal Crossing and Splatoon."
  • "And it uses ink splats as fireworks!"
  • "It features two of my favorite characters..."
  • "Rusty's Real Deal Baseball's Rusty and me."