Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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This article is under construction. Therefore, please excuse its informal appearance while it is being worked on. We hope to have it completed as soon as possible.

It has been requested that this article be rewritten. Reason: the article is written too much like an advertisement for the game; also contains leftover writing from 2007-2008 during the hype of the game's then-forthcoming release

Super Smash Bros. Brawl is a Wii fighting game and the third installment of the Super Smash Bros. series. The game was released in early 2008. Aside from content from Nintendo franchises, Super Smash Bros. Brawl also has representation for a few third-party franchises. The game was worked on by several developers, namely Sora Ltd. and HAL Laboratory, and it was published by Nintendo.


The character select screen

Like the Super Smash Bros. series in general, Super Smash Bros. Brawl is unlike most fighting games in that the health bar goes up rather than down, meaning there is no really telling when your opponent will be defeated. To defeat, or KO (knock out) your enemy, though, you'll have to knock them off the edge rather than fully depleting their energy.

Once you hit your opponent, his or her damage meter percentage starts to go up. The farther up it is, the farther they'll soar when attacked. If they have a high damage percentage on their meter like 123% (the max is 999%), then the chances that they'll fly off the edge are tremendous.

If the meter isn't too high, then they have a good chance of staying on the platform. Performing smash attacks when an adversary's damage meter is far up will result in an almost instant K.O. depending on the circumstances.

Once your character starts to fall off the edge, you'll oftentimes have to jump back by using your double and triple jump. Sometimes this won't work, however, usually when you're too far away to do so.

When a character does fall off an edge, then he or she will lose a stock when in Stock Match, or lose a point in Time Match (the former if you're playing on stock mode and the latter if you're playing on time mode).

If you lose all of your lives, then you'll be removed from the current battle, and if you have the least amount of points by the end of the engagement, then you'll also lose. However, if the result is contrary to that, then you'll ultimately win the fight.

If you were the first one to lose all your lives then you'll end up in 4th place in the results, if you were the second person to be dead in the match then you'll be 3rd place, if you were close to winning or at least the third person to be dead then you'll be 2nd place. If you kill every opponent in the match then you'll win.

A new gameplay mechanic are Final Smashes. To perform a Final Smash, your character will have to come into possession of the Smash Ball by attacking it, which will appear throughout the battle. Once he or she does so, pressing the B button will execute an attack that will cause colossal damage to whomever was attacked.

Each character has a different final smash. For example, if Mario obtains a Smash Ball, his body will be engulfed in flames, and he'll rapidly shoot giant fireballs across the whole stage to perform Mario Finale, while Sonic will turn into his alternate form known as Super Sonic.

The development team has implemented new techniques in Brawl, including "moving and shooting", "footstool jump", and "gliding". In previous Super Smash Bros. video games, you'd have to stop moving if you wished to use your shooting items against your opponents. This time around, you'll not only be able to move, jump and what-not while shooting, but you'll also be able to aim your shots as well.

To perform the footstool jump, you'll have to, at the right time, press the jump button right before you land on one of your opponents to launch off of them. Gliding will allow certain characters to, as its name implies, glide in the air. Characters that are known to glide are Meta Knight, Charizard, and Pit.

Controller options[edit]

Action Wii Remote w/Nunchuck GameCube Classic Controller Wii Remote on side
Moving Nunchuck's control stick Control stick Left control stick D Pad
Standard Attack A A a 2
Special B B b 1
Shield/Dodge Z, D-down L or R l or r B
Grab/Throw A+B or Side D-Pad Z or L/R+A ZL or ZR - or A+B
Jump Up-D/C Up c, X, Y Up c, x, y Up d-pad
Taunt 1,2 D-Pad D-Pad A



Image Name Description Entrance Special moves Role in The Subspace Emissary
Mario A classic character with good balance and maneuverability make him ideal for beginners. Mario jumps out of a Warp Pipe
  • Standard: Fireball is Mario's trademark fireball. It disappears as it slows.
  • Side: Cape is when Mario pulls out his cape to reflect projectiles back at opponents.
  • Up: Super Jump Punch is a jump punch that can be used as both a recovery and to attack opponents.
  • Down: F.L.U.D.D. is a device that Mario pulls out to squirt away his opponents with some water.
  • Final Smash: Mario Finale has Mario unleash giant fireballs that travel horizontally while expanding vertically.
At the beginning, Mario fights in a friendly match with Kirby on the Midair Stadium, but when the Subspace Army appears, Mario gets knocked far away. He is later rescued by Pit, and has later teamed up with Link, Kirby, and Yoshi as well.
Link A slow yet manageable character who uses a variety of weapons. Link arrives in a whirlwind
  • Standard: Hero's Bow involves Link firing an arrow with his bow. He can also charge the attack before firing.
  • Side: Gale Boomerang is a boomerang that Link can throw at opponents to spin them around.
  • Up: Spin Attack - Link spins around with his sword. It can also be used as a recovery while in midair.
  • Down: Bomb - Link takes out a bomb which he can throw at others. If not done quickly, the bomb explodes on Link.
  • Final Smash: Triforce Slash is a move in which Link shoots out the Triforce symbol from the back of his hand. If the Triforce hits an opponent, it enlarges and traps them within two layers, followed by Link dashing toward the trapped opponent and slashing them several times before landing a finishing blow.
In his first appearance, Link pulls out the Master Sword from the woods. When the Subspace Army appears, Link teams up with Yoshi. He later also teams up with Mario, Kirby, and Pit.
Kirby A puffball character who can hover several times in midair and copy his opponent's main ability. Kirby arrives on his Warp Star
  • Standard: Swallow has Kirby inhale an opponent, after which he can swallow them to gain their Copy Ability.
  • Side: Hammer has Kirby swing a giant hammer horizontally on the ground, or vertically in the air.
  • Up: Final Cutter is when Kirby soars into the sky with a sword, then slashes downward with it, that unleashes a shockwave.
  • Down: Stone is when Kirby transforms into a heavy object for a short period of time. Kirby can transform back sooner by pressing upwards.
  • Final Smash: Cook Kirby involes Kirby pulling out a giant pot, which draws in nearby fighters and items. While in the pot, fighters rack up damage until they get shot straight out. The pot also creates some items.
At the beginning, Kirby fights Mario in a friendly match on the Midair Stadium. When the Subspace Army appears, Kirby must save either Peach or Zelda from Petey Piranha. Followed by this, Kirby and the rescued princess go aboard Meta Knight's Halberd. Kirby is later seen teaming up with Mario, Pit, Link, and Yoshi.
Pikachu An electrical Pokémon who serves as the mascot of its franchise A Poké Ball is thrown on stage, and Pikachu comes out of it.
  • Standard: Thunder Jolt is when a jolt of lightning travels along the ground. It is similar to Mario's fireball.
  • Side: Skull Bash is a charge move in which Pikachu charges his attack, then flies forward like a rocket in the direction that he was facing.
  • Up: Quick Attack is when Pikachu disappears and reappears in the direction that was pointed
  • Down: Thunder is when Pikachu summons a large bolt of lightning to come down toward him and damage nearby opponents.
  • Final Smash: Volt Tackle has Pikachu transform into a slightly uncontrollable ball of electricity. If nearby opponents are caught into the ball, they take damage, and Pikachu can finish them off with a surge of energy if the player presses the attack button.
Pikachu teams up with Samus after she rescues it from a machine that had been draining Pikachu's electrical powers. It later teams up with Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Captain Falcon, Pikmin & Olimar and ROB.
Samus Aran An intergalactic bounty hunter whose Power Suit allows her to shoot blasts. Samus arrives on an elevator platform.
  • Standard: Charge Shot is when Samus charges up power to her blaster, then can release it by pressing the special ability button again.
  • Side: Missile is when Samus releases a homing missile at a nearby opponent. Alternatively, tapping the side direction launches a powerful, straight missile.
  • Up: Screw Attack has Samus attack by using a spinning jump that unleashes electricity.
  • Down: Bomb is when Samus rolls up into her Morph ball and drops bombs that explode after a few moments.
  • Final Smash: Zero Laser is like the Mario Finale but has less vertical expansion. After this attack, Samus automatically loses her suit and becomes Zero Suit Samus.
In her Zero Suit form she rescues Pikachu from a machine draining its electric powers. She later acquires her Power Suit, and has teamed up with Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Captain Falcon, Pikmin & Olimar and ROB.
Fox McCloud An experienced pilot who specializes in speed and has a lot of arsenal. Fox drops out from an Arwing
  • Standard: Blaster has Fox shoot lasers from his gun, although this does not stun his target.
  • Side: Fox Illusion is when Fox dashes at lightning speed. If Fox hits an opponent, they are damaged by his afterimage.
  • Up: Fire Fox has Fox engulf himself in fire, charging up his energy, and then blasting off in the direction of choosing.
  • Down: Reflector is when Fox shields himself from his opponent's attacks using his mechanical device.
  • Final Smash: Landmaster has Fox jump into the air and summon the Star Fox team's land assault vehicle of the same name. It can be controlled to hover, shoot a big laser, and perform a barrel roll.
Fox crash lands the Arwing near a lake, and saves Diddy Kong from Rayquaza. Both he and Diddy later team up with Falco. Fox has also been seen with Peach, Sheik, Lucario and Snake.
Yoshi A dinosaur friend of Mario and Luigi who has spawned his own franchise. Yoshi hatches from a Yoshi Egg.
  • Standard: Egg Lay has Yoshi take out his sticky tongue near an enemy, swallowing them, and outputting them as a Yoshi Egg. After a few seconds, the opponent hatches from the egg.
  • Side: Egg Roll is when Yoshi climbs into a Yoshi Egg and quickly rolls back and forth on stage.
  • Up: Egg Toss has Yoshi throw an egg at his opponent. The move can also be used as a third jump.
  • Down: Yoshi Bomb has Yoshi perform a Ground Pound
  • Final Smash: Super Dragon has Yoshi grow a large pair of wings, temporarily giving him the ability to fly. During this, Yoshi can breathe a stream of fire and project fireballs across the screen.
At first, Yoshi has the role of being Link's sidekick. The two of them later join Mario, Pit, and Kirby.
Donkey Kong A powerful gorilla from the Mario franchise who, similar to Yoshi, has spawned his own spinoff franchise Donkey Kong breaks out of a DK Barrel.
  • Standard: Giant Punch is when Donkey Kong charges up his energy, then can unleash it in a powerful punch.
  • Side: Headbutt is when Donkey Kong slams an opponent into the ground, where they are trapped for a few seconds. The more damage the opponent has, the longer they are stuck.
  • Down: Hand Slap has Donkey Kong slap the ground with his hands, creating a shockwave. He can continuously use this move.
  • Up: Spinning Kong is when Donkey Kong spins in the air for a short period of time.
  • Final Smash: Konga Beat has Donkey Kong pull out his bongos and play to the beat of DK Island Swing. Pressing a button allows Donkey Kong to create a shockwave; the closer the beat is on sync, the larger the shockwave.
Teams up with Diddy Kong to reclaim their bananas stolen by Bowser's minions. Later on, just before being turned into a trophy by Bowser, Donkey Kong punches Diddy away to rescue him. Later on, Donkey Kong is rescued by Diddy, and the two of them team up with Captain Falcon and Olimar. Both Kongs also later pair up with Samus, Pikachu and ROB.
Princess Peach She is princess of the Mushroom Kingdom and often has the role of damsel-in-distress in her home franchise, usually from being kidnapped by Bowser. Peach appears from thin air and then winks at the screen.
  • Standard: Toad is when Peach takes out Toad and blocks enemy attacks.
  • Side: Peach Bomber is when Peach jumps to the side, attacking opponents with a powerful blast.
  • Up: Peach Parasol is when Peach jumps in the air, extending her parasol to attack enemies as well as floating down slowly.
  • Down: Vegetable is when Peach plucks vegetables from the ground to throw at opponents. The amount of damage the opponent takes may depend on the vegetable.
  • Final Smash: Peach Blossom is when Peach performs a dance while Super Princess Peach-related graphics are shown on screen. All of the opponents within the screen fall asleep as healing peaches spawn throughout the stage. The closer the opponent is, the longer they remain asleep.
At first, both Peach and Zelda are each trapped within a cage by Petey Piranha. Kirby can decide to rescue either her or Zelda. If Peach does not get rescued, Wario turns her into a trophy. Later on, Shadow Bugs take over Peach's body, and Link and Yoshi have to fight. Both princesses are eventually rescued by Meta Knight, Snake and Lucario. Peach also teams up with Fox and Falco.
Princess Zelda The princess of Hyrule, Zelda returns along with her alter-ago, Sheik. Teleports into the stage
  • Standard: Naryu's Love is when Zelda spins, creating a force field around her, reflecting projectiles back.
  • Side: Din's Fire is when Zelda unleashes a ball of fire.
  • Up: Farore's Wind is when Zelda, after spinning, teleports in a direction of the player's choice.
  • Down: Transformation has Zelda change into Sheik and vice versa. All damage that Zelda/Sheik take during the transformation is halted.
  • Final Smash: Light Arrow has Zelda pull out her bow and shoot a Light Arrow straightforward. A slow motion animation is done before the opponent is shot in an upwards direction.
Same as Peach except if Zelda is rescued into, Shadow Bugs take over her body so that her clone can fire a Trophy Gun at Link. Both princesses are later rescued by Meta Knight, Snake and Lucario. After this, Zelda takes on the form of Sheik.
Bowser The main villain of his home franchise and the heaviest playable fighter in the game. Bowser comes out of a pillar of flames.
  • Standard: Fire Breath has Bowser breathe out a stream of fire, although it gradually weakens if done continually.
  • Side: Flying Slam has Bowser slam into an opponent with a lot of force.
  • Up: Whirling Fortress is Bowser's recovery move in which he whirls around in his shell to gain air distance. If Bowser uses the move while on the ground, he can launch his opponents in the air.
  • Down: Bowser Bomb is when Bowser jumps up into the air and does a ground pound.
  • Final Smash: Giga Bowser has Bowser temporarily transform into his Giga Bowser form, making him even more powerful. Although Bowser still takes damage in this form, he cannot be stunned.
Bowser plays an antagonistic role. He is the one responsible for stealing Donkey Kong's bananas. He also uses Wario's Trophy Gun to attack Fox and Diddy Kong.
Ice Climbers A duo consisting of the mountain climbers Popo and Nana. The Ice Climbers fly in from a Condor
  • Standard: Ice Shot is when both Popo and Nana shoot a sliding ice block that bounces off walls.
  • Side: Squall Hammer is when Popo and Nana spin back-to-back, with hammers outward, in the direction of the player's choice.
  • Up: Belay is when Popo throws Nana, who then attacks foes, then pulls up Popo from behind her.
  • Down: Blizzard is when both Popo and Nana shoot freezing winds from the palms of their hands.
  • Final Smash: Iceberg causes a giant iceberg to appear. It causes every platform to become slippery, and any opponent who touches the iceberg takes damage.
The Ice Climbers team up with Meta Knight while climbing up a mountain. After the fight with Lucario, the Ice Climbers are thrown back to the ground, where they meet up with Ike, Marth, Pokémon Trainer and Lucas.
Luigi He is the younger brother of Mario, and often identified by his green clothing. He comes out of a Warp Pipe
  • Up: Super Jump Punch functions similar to Mario's one, but is more powerful on the ground than in the air. If Luigi performs this move while close to an opponent, it turns into a fire jump punch.
  • Standard: Fireball is similar to Mario's Fireball except it has green spectral flames and is unaffected by gravity.
  • Side: Green Missile is when Luigi launches himself across the stage like a missile. There is a slight chance of him misfiring.
  • Down: Luigi Cyclone is similar to Mario Tornado, although Luigi can quickly travel long distance with it.
  • Final Smash: Negative Zone has Luigi perform a weird dance that causes a spectral shield to form around him. All opponents within the circle are inflicted with a random side effect, such as falling asleep, having a flower appear on their head, or moving very slowly. Opponents in the air are unaffected by Negative Zone.
Early on, Luigi is turned into a trophy by King Dedede, who uses it as bait in a trap to ambush Wario and steal his trophies. Later on, when Tabuu transforms every fighter into a trophy, Luigi and Ness are revived due to their trophy having a Dedede cap. Luigi and Ness revive King Dedede, and they team up in rescuing the other fighters.
Captain Falcon An expert racer who is the main protagonist of the F-Zero series. The Blue Falcon races on stage, and Captain Falcon walks out of it.
  • Standard: Falcon Punch is when Captain Falcon charges up a powerful punch that sends the foe flying. He can also do a reverse Falcon Punch if the player tilts the Control Stick in the opposite direction that he is facing while he is charging up a punch.
  • Side: Raptor Boost is when Captain Falcon charges quickly towards the opponent. If he hits an opponent, they are sent upwards. He leapfrogs over the opponent if it connects in mid air.
  • Up: Falcon Dive is when Captain Falcon drives upward. If he grabs an opponent, the move turns into a throw and has the opponent set on fire.
  • Down: Falcon Kick is when Captain Falcon performs a fast sliding kick. On the ground, this move travels straight but in mid air, it goes in a downwards angle.
  • Final Smash: Blue Falcon has Captain Falcon summon his vehicle of the same name. Opponents that are hit get placed on an F-Zero track where the Blue Falcon races toward the opponent(s) and then hits them, dealing heavy damage.
He saves Olimar from a giant R.O.B. He later teams up with Donkey Kong and Diddy, and also teams up with Samus, Pikachu and R.O.B. later on.
Sheik An alter-ego of Zelda from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Arrives from a burst of magic
  • Standard: Needle Storm is when Sheik charges up and gathers tiny needles, then releases them in a tiny barrage.
  • Side: Chain is when Sheik takes out her chain and swings it to her side. It can be used for both offense and defense.
  • Up: Vanish is when Sheik, after her signature explosion, disappears and reappears in the player's direction of choice.
  • Down: Transformation is when Sheik transforms into Zelda and vice versa. All damage that Zelda/Sheik take briefly stops during the transformation.
  • Final Smash: Light Arrow is when Sheik takes out her bow and fires a Light Arrow at an opponent. Unlike Zelda's Light Arrow, Sheik's one causes the enemy to be shot in a downwards direction.
Once both princesses have been rescued, Zelda transforms into Sheik as she battles on the Halberd. Sheik eventually teams up with Fox, Snake, Lucario and Falco.
Ganondorf He is the main villain of the The Legend of Zelda series, and usually has a goal to obtain the Triforce. He emerges from a cloud of dark magic.
  • Standard: Warlock Punch is like the Falcon Punch, but is slower and more powerful.
  • Side: Flame Choke is when Ganondorf grabs an opponent by the head and thumps them down. If Ganondorf uses the move in midair, the opponent is slammed downwards.
  • Up: Dark Dive is like the Falcon Dive, but if Ganondorf connects with the opponents, they get zapped by electricity. If they are far off, Ganondorf hits them with darkness from his hands.
  • Down: Wizard's Foot is similar to the Falcon Kick.
  • Final Smash: Beast Ganon has Ganondorf transform into Ganon. He delivers two hits, the first being a downward body slam that stuns opponents and the second being a rushing tackle across the stage.
Ganondorf has an antagonistic role. He was somewhat behind the events of The Subspace Emissary as he was controlling the Ancient Minister and taking orders from Master Hand. He later betrays Bowser by turning him into a trophy.
Marth A swordfighter from the Fire Emblem series Arrives on the stage from wrap magic
  • Standard: Shield Breaker is a chargeable move that, when fully charged, allows Marth to break any shield with a single stab.
  • Side: Dancing Blade is when Marth offers to perform nine different attacks, which can be changed by moving the Control Stick for many different combos.
  • Up: Dolphin Slash is when Marth slashes upwards quickly and ends in the prone aerial position.
  • Down: Counter is when Marth stands in a defensive position. If he gets in contact with anything that causes damage, the damage is negated, and Marth immediately uses a counterattack. Marth's Counter is quicker than Ike's but not as powerful.
  • Final Smash: Critical Hit has Marth raise his sword with a flash and speed horizontally toward an enemy to perform a critical hit, with the ability to KO at 0% damage. More than one opponent can be hit by the move.
At first, Marth storms a castle, and once he reaches the ground, he fights Meta Knight. After the fight, the two decide to team up upon realizing that they are not enemies. After Marth and Meta Knight encounter the Ancient Minister, they team up with Ike.
Falco Lombardi One of Fox's wingmen in the Star Fox team. Falco drops out of an Arwing.
  • Up: Fire Bird is similar to Fire Fox except it does not burn opponents while charging.
  • Standard: Blaster is similar to Fox's except it can stun enemies and does not fire rapid shots.
  • Side: Falco Phantasm Similar to Fox Illusion except that it covers a shorter distance.
  • Down: Reflector is like Fox's Reflector except Falco can throw it.
  • Final Smash: Landmaster is like Fox's Final Smash in that Falco summons a Landmaster. His Landmaster differs from Fox's in that it is harder to control on land, but it has excellent flight ability.
Falco destroys Bowser's Trophy Gun and teams up with Fox and Diddy Kong. Later, he teams up with Peach, Sheik, Lucario and Snake.
Jigglypuff A pink puffball Pokémon who has a similar shape to Kirby. A Poké Ball is thrown on stage, and Jigglypuff comes out.
  • Standard: Rollout is when Jigglypuff charges up before rolling across the stage.
  • Side: Pound has Jigglypuff go forward a short distance with her arm out in front to punch an enemy.
  • Down: Rest is when Jigglypuff takes a rest, but if she overlaps her opponents while doing this, they are each sent flying with a flower on their head.
  • Up: Sing is when Jigglypuff sings to put anyone within her range to sleep. The more damage a fighter has, the longer they are put to sleep.
  • Final Smash: Puff Up has Jigglypuff expand in size, taking up space onscreen and causing enemies to bounce off her. Jigglypuff immediately deflates after reaching her maximum size. When Jigglypuff shouts, enemies that are touching her take a massive hit.
An optional character in The Subspace Emissary. In The Swamp, there is a secret door that takes the characters to the Pokémon Stadium 2 stage, where Jigglypuff performs a song just before the battle.
Mr. Game & Watch A representative character for the Game & Watch handhelds Moves across a row in the style of a Game & Watch LCD
  • Standard: Chef is when Mr. Game & Watch throws sausages into the air with his frying pan.
  • Side: Judgement is when Mr. Game & Watch attacks with his hammer. A random number from 1-9 appears over his head, resulting various effects.
  • Up: Fire is when two firefighters launch Mr. Game & Watch up into the air with a fire rug. Mr. Game & Watch then descends using a parachute.
  • Down: Oil Panic is when Mr. Game & Watch gets out his bucket to absorb three projectiles. He then causes an oil spill, dealing lots of damage.
  • Final Smash: Octopis is when Mr. Game & Watch transforms into an Octopus, which can move around in all directions. Pressing buttons moves the Octopus's tentacles, which are the most powerful at their tip.
Many copies of Mr. Game & Watch are seen in a control room of the Halberd. He is turned into a trophy and then rescued by Peach.
Ness The main protagonist of EarthBound Teleporting from PK magic
  • Standard: PK Flash is when a flash of light appears which then explodes when it's fully charged or if the B button is released.
  • Side: PK Fire is almost the same as Lucas's, but Ness's can score multiple hits.
  • Up: PK Thunder is the same as Lucas's except it cannot pass through enemies, is harder to control, and moves quicker. If Ness hits into a opponent using his own PK Thunder, they are sent flying.
  • Down: PSI Magnet functions the same as Lucas's.
  • Final Smash: PK Starstorm is similar to Lucas's move of the same name except the meteors fall in a fan-out fashion.
He saves Lucas from Porky Minch, but is soon turned into a trophy by Wario. Later on, both Ness and Luigi are revived due to a Dedede Cap on their respective trophy. Both of them then team up with King Dedede.


Image Name Description Entrance Special moves Role in The Subspace Emissary
Pit A young angel who is the captain of Palutena's army Pit floats down from above in a shaft of light.
  • Standard: Palutena Arrow is when Pit fires his arrow which can possibly curve. It is similar to both Ness's and Lucas's up special.
  • Side: Angel Ring is when Pit spins his bow very quickly several times in front of him, similar to a buzz saw.
  • Up: Wings of Icarus allows Pit to fly for a while before falling back down to the ground.
  • Down: Mirror Shield is when Pit activates a shield of light that acts as a reflector, like Fox's.
  • Final Smash: Palutena's Army has Pit calling to Palutena, who sends an army of flying Centurions. They quickly dive at the other fighters.
Near the beginning, Pit watches Mario and Kirby fight. After the Subspace Bomb explodes, Palutena summons him to help save the world. Pit goes on to rescue Mario, and he later teams up with Link, Kirby, and Yoshi.
Wario A fat character who serves as Mario's rival. He has even spawned his own spinoff franchise. Drives on to the stage using his bike
  • Standard: Chomp is when Wario uses his huge mouth to bite his opponents.
  • Side: Wario Chopper is when Wario rides his bike in the stage.
  • Up: Corkscrew is when Wario spins upward like a drill.
  • Down: Wario Waft involves Wario letting out a lethal fart. The longer the attack is not used, the more deadly the fart becomes.
  • Final Smash: Wario-Man involves Wario eating garlic to transform into his superhero alter-ego, Wario-Man, making him more powerful.
Wario starts out as an antagonist turning various characters into trophies. Near the start, after Kirby rescues either Peach or Zelda, Wario turns the other princess into a trophy. Wario later also turns Ness into a trophy, but then gets ambushed by King Dedede. In Subspace, when Wario finds himself outnumbered against the other fighters, he decides to team up with them.
Meta Knight A masked swordsman who is one of Kirby's rivals First his cape appears, then Meta Knight comes out of it.
  • Standard: Mach Tornado is when Meta Knight spins around, forming an orange tornado. He can decide on which direction to spin at.
  • Side: Drill Rush is when Meta Knight dashes forward while his sword out to spin around like a drill. Meta Knight has slight control of the angle's direction while using it.
  • Up: Shuttle Loop is when Meta Knight jumps with his sword, hitting the enemy the whole way.
  • Down: Dimensional Cape is when Meta Knight vanishes and reappears in the player's direction of choice.
  • Final Smash: Galaxia Darkness has Meta Knight throw out his cape, covering the stage in darkness, and all nearby characters are hit with a large slash. If Meta Knight does not capture any opponent in his cape, the move fails.
Meta Knight's Halberd has been stolen by the Subspace Army. He first teams up with Marth after a short fight. After the two encounter the Ancient Minister, Ike joins them. Later on, when Meta Knight spots the Halberd, he teams up with the Ice Climbers to catch up to it. Once he reaches the top of the mountain, Meta Knight enters the Halberd along with Lucario. Inside, the two of them team up with Snake and rescue Peach and Zelda.
Ike He is the main protagonist of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance Ike arrives in a summoning circle.
  • Up: Aether is a quick attack in which Ike chucks his sword up in the air, hitting an enemy, then catches his sword, and falls while slashing the enemy.
  • Standard: Eruption is when Ike charges up energy within his sword, then slashes the ground and releases the energy, which is a fire-like shockwave.
  • Side: Quick Draw is when Ike quickly draws his sword, dealing massive damage to the opponent.
  • Down: Counter involves Ike counterattacking a physical move with a strong sword slash.
  • Final Smash: Great Aether Ike strikes an initial hit with his sword, which throws the enemies upwards. Ike then rushes towards the opponents, follows with huge sword strikes, and lands with an explosion of fire.
Ike successfully attacks the Ancient Minister before teaming up with Marth and Meta Knight.
Pokémon Trainer A character who stays in the background and sends out either Squirtle, Ivysaur or Charizard, each having their own set of moves. He throws out a Poké Ball from which one of the three Pokémon come out.
  • Standard:
    • Ivysaur has Bullet Seed, in which it fires bullets from its back that can hit enemies
    • Charizard has Flamethrower in which it breathes a stream of fire from its mouth, similar to Bowser.
    • Squirtle has Water Gun, a chargeable spray of water.
  • Side:
    • Squirtle has Withdraw, in which it goes in its shell and blows out water, making the shell blast into an enemy.
    • Ivysaur has Razor Leaf in which it shoots out sharp leaves at its opponents. The leaves come back to Ivysaur similar to Link's Boomerang.
    • Charizard has Rock Smash, in which it uses its head to smash a rock, which can go flying into enemies.
  • Up:
    • Squirtle, has Waterfall, in which it creates a wave to bring him and others up.
    • Ivysaur has Vine Whip, in which its vines are used to whip an opponent; it can also be used to perform a tether recovery.
    • Charizard has Fly, in which it flies straight up while burning opponents in the process.
  • Down: Pokémon Change is when Pokémon Trainer switches Pokémon. He always switches them out in a cycle of Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard.
  • Final Smash: Triple Finish has all three Pokémon use a powerful attack at once: Squirtle uses Hydro Pump, Ivysaur uses Solarbeam, and Charizard uses Fire Blast. Opponents who are closer take more damage from the attack.
After Ness is turned into a trophy, Lucas encounters the Pokémon Trainer, and they team up. The Pokémon Trainer starts off with only Squirtle, but they later find Ivysaur and Charizard in The Ruins. Both Pokémon Trainer and Lucas later battle Wario and defeat him.
Diddy Kong Donkey Kong's tiny sidekick joins the fray, and brings along his famed weapons such as the Peanut Pop Gun. Breaks out of a DK Barrel
  • Standard: Peanut Popgun has Diddy fire a peanut from his popgun. However, if Diddy charges his popgun for too long, it explodes. The peanut can also be eaten to recover some damage.
  • Side: Monkey Flip has Diddy flip forward, grabs an opponent's face, and pummels it.
  • Up: Rocketbarrel Boost has Diddy blast upward using his Barrel Jet, and he can curve the direction in which he blasts. If Diddy gets attacked during this move, the Barrel Jet blasts off him.
  • Down: Banana Peel is when Diddy Kong tosses a banana peel over his shoulder.
  • Final Smash: Rocketbarrel Barrage allows Diddy to fly around with his Barrel Jet while wielding his two Peanut Popguns. He can shoot the peanuts in one direction to boost upwards in the other direction. At the end of the move, both the Rocketbarrels and Popguns explode, hurting any nearby opponents. Rocketbarrel Barrage also leaves behind several peanuts, which can be eaten to restore health.
Diddy teams up with Donkey Kong to get back their bananas that were stolen from Bowser. Later, Diddy is captured by Rayquaza, but Fox saves him and they fight Rayquaza together. Falco later also joins both Diddy and Fox. Diddy is later reunited with Donkey Kong. He has also teamed up with Samus, Pikachu, Captain Falcon, Pikmin & Olimar and R.O.B.
Zero Suit Samus Samus will transform into Zero Suit Samus following her Final Smash. Her Power Suit falls off.
  • Standard: Paralyzer is when Zero Suit Samus shoots a laser at an opponent's feet, stunning them for a while. She can also charge up the move to use it as an attack.
  • Side: Plasma Whip is a powerful whip which Zero Suit Samus can attack opponents with.
  • Up: Plasma Wire is a wire-like laser that Zero Suit Samus can shoot from her gun to grab on to an opponent.
  • Down: Flip Jump is when Zero Suit Samus performs a flip into the air.
  • Final Smash: Power Suit Samus is when Zero Suit Samus reforms her suit with a huge blast of energy. During this, any nearby opponents are blasted away.
Zero Suit Samus rescues Pikachu in this form and later puts on her Power Suit to become standard Samus.
Lucas The main protagonist of Mother 3 Lucas rides a Mr. Saturn tea table.
  • Standard: PK Freeze functions like Ness's PK Flash, but it both freezes and damages an opponent.
  • Side: PK Fire is nearly the same as Ness's side ability except it moves horizontally in the air instead of diagonally like Ness, and a pillar of fire explodes from this move.
  • Up: PK Thunder has Lucas emit an electrical ball. If Lucas hits himself with it, he rockets into the opposite direction. Lucas's PK Thunder has a few differences from Ness's in that his version passes through enemies, is easier to control, and when Lucas hits his opponent with his own PK Thunder, he scores multiple hits.
  • Down: PSI Magnet makes it so that any energy projectile, such as Charizard's Flamethrower, restores Lucas's health instead of damaging him. Ness's down special is the same.
  • Final Smash: PK Starstorm is a fierce move that unleashes a rapid barrage of meteorlike PSI power. The meteors fall in an inward fashion toward the stage.
Lucas is at first saved by Ness from Porky. Soon after, Lucas encounters the Pokémon Trainer, and they team up. Later, the two of them fight Wario and defeat him.
Solid Snake A character from the Metal Gear series Snake jumps down, damaging his camouflage system
  • Standard: Hand Grenade is when Snake pulls the pin out of a hand grenade. He can freely move around with the and toss it with three strength levels.
  • Side: Guided Missile is when Snake fires a Nikita missile that can be controlled, although while using the move, Snake is vulnerable to attack.
  • Up: Cypher is when Snake grabs on to his flying reconnaissance camera.
  • Down: C4 is when Snake plants a C4-type bomb that explodes after a certain time. His down smash is a variant proximity mine that takes slightly longer to set, and is chargeable.
  • Final Smash: Grenade Launcher is when Snake jumps into the air and climbs into his helicopter, which then takes him to the front of the screen. From there, he takes out his grenade launcher, which he can aim and shoot at his opponents. Snake has only 12 shots before he is forced to return to the stage, and he reloads after his sixth shot.
Snake has been seen hiding on the Halberd in a cardboard box, but is found by Lucario and Meta Knight, whom he teams up with. Snake later also teams up with Peach, Sheik, Fox, and Falco.
Sonic the Hedgehog A blue hedgehog who serves as Sega's mascot Sonic uses his Spin Dash to jump up from the side of the stage.
  • Standard: Homing Attack involves Sonic charging in midair and then homing in on his nearest opponent.
  • Side: Spin Dash is when Sonic spins into a ball and charges sideways. He can charge this move to increase its power. When Sonic hits someone, he jumps into the air automatically.
  • Up: Spring Jump has Sonic perform a high jump from a spring. If Sonic uses this move on the ground, the spring remains, and other characters can jump from it.
  • Down: Spin Charge is just like Spin Dash, except Sonic does not jump if he hits someone. The move can also be charged.
  • Final Smash: Super Sonic is when Sonic assumes his Super Sonic transformation to freely fly through the screen and deal damage by touching other players.
Sonic appears near the end of The Subspace Emissary, in which he uses his Super Sonic speed to attack Tabuu's wings, preventing Tabuu from turning everyone back into trophies. Sonic joins the other characters in the final showdown.
King Dedede A primary antagonist of the Kirby games and the self-proclaimed ruler of Dream Land Carried on to the stage by some Waddle Dees
  • Standard: Inhale is when King Dedede sucks in an opponent, similar to Kirby, although he cannot inherit their Copy Ability.
  • Side: Waddle Dee Toss is when King Dedede takes out a Waddle Dee, and sometimes a Waddle Doo or a Gordo, and throws it at his opponents. Even after a Waddle Dee or a Waddle Doo is thrown, they still walk around the stage.
  • Up: Super Dedede Jump is when King Dedede jumps very high with his hammer in the air before crashing down. He is unable to move for a while upon landing, so he can cancel it in midair.
  • Down: Jet Hammer is when the head of King Dedede's hammer open, revealing a jet. He can charge it to deliver a powerful swing on to his opponent. However, if the Jet Hammer is charged for too long, it explodes and harms King Dedede.
  • Final Smash: Waddle Dee Army is when King Dedede whistles, causing Waddle Dees to appear. The Waddle Dees, who move quicker than usual, try to swipe opponents off the stage. Sometimes Waddle Doos and Gordos also appear to cause more damage.
King Dedede attacks Luigi and turns him into a trophy. He then steals Wario's trophies, but later on, he gets revived by Luigi and Ness and teams up with them.
Captain Olimar & Pikmin A character from Hocotate who is often assisted by small creatures known as Pikmin. Olimar exits from his ship
  • Standard: Pikmin Pluck is when Olimar plucks a Pikmin from the ground. He can have up to six Pikmin at a time. Pikmin can be plucked from any flooring, which determines what breed of Pikmin is the most likely to appear.
  • Side: Pikmin Throw is when Olimar throws his Pikmin and latches them on to an opponent, whose damage percentage then slowly increases.
  • Up: Pikmin Chain is when Olimar throws his Pikmin as a chain as a recovery. The recovery distance is determined by how many Pikmin are following him.
  • Down: Pikmin Order has Olimar blow his whistle to summon back any stray Pikmin. The move also allows him to change the order of Pikmin.
  • Final Smash: End of Day is when Captain Olimar climbs into his Hocotate Ship, then blasts off into the night sky. Bulborbs are seen snacking on the opponents, dealing heavy damage. Shortly afterward, Olimar plunges his ship straight into the ground, creating a giant explosion.
Olimar teams up with Captain Falcon after he saves Olimar from a giant ROB. Olimar later joins up with Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Samus, Pikachu and the playable R.O.B.
R.O.B. Originally a Nintendo Entertainment System accessory used in Stack-Up and Gyromite Assembles from pieces dropped from the sky.
  • Standard: Robo Beam has R.O.B. shoot out a straight beam from his eyes within under a second. The angle of the shot can be adjusted. R.O.B. cannot use the move again immediately after because there is not enough energy. If the move is held for long enough, it turns into a Super Robo Beam.
  • Side: Arm Rotor has R.O.B. quickly spin his arms around, giving him the ability to deflect projectiles.
  • Up: Robo Burner allows R.O.B. to hover using his booster jets from below. Tilting the Control Stick up allows R.O.B. to continue using the move, although he has a limited amount, but it replenishes when he reaches the ground.
  • Down: Gyro is when R.O.B. uses an item that can be charged up and thrown. Opponents can pick up the item and use them as well. Only one Gyro can appear onscreen at a time.
  • Final Smash: Diffusion Beam is when R.O.B. shoots short-ranged death rays from his eyes. They can accumulate damage very quickly. This move provides frontal protection and makes way for high damaging combos.
R.O.B. is actually the true form of the Ancient Minister. He eventually decides to join the heroes, and teams up with Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Samus, Pikachu, Captain Falcon and Pikmin & Olimar.
Toon Link A young, cell-shaded version of Link designed after his appearance in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Appears from a toon-style explosion.
  • Standard: Bow is similar to Link's Bow except it is weaker and slower but can travel a farther distance.
  • Side: Boomerang acts the same as Link's Boomerang, but is based on the Boomerang from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker instead of the Gale Boomerang.
  • Up: Spin Attack acts the same as Link's Spin Attack.
  • Down: Bombs functions similarly to Link's Bombs but is weaker and has a bigger blast radius.
  • Final Smash: Triforce Slash acts the same as Link's Triforce Slash.
An optional character in Subspace Emissary. There is a secret door in The Forest that leads to the Pirate Ship, where the player's character has to fight Toon Link.
Wolf O'Donnell The leader of Star Wolf, the rival team of Star Fox Wolf jumps out of his Wolfen
  • Standard: Blaster is a weapon which can fire one shot at a time. The further the shot travels, the less damage it does. There is a bayonet attached to it that can stun opponents.
  • Side: Wolf Dash is similar to Fox Illusion and Falco Phantasm except it sends Wolf further launching at a 35 degree angle.
  • Up: Fire Wolf is similar to Fire Fox and Fire Bird but has less charging time and sends Wolf further upwards. There is no fire effect, but Wolf performs a powerful kick at the end of the dash.
  • Down: Reflector is similar to Fox's and Falco's Reflector except it can send projectiles back at twice the speed and be used as a counter attack.
  • Final Smash: Landmaster is Wolf's own remodeled Landmaster with the color scheme of the Wolfen. Wolf's Landmaster has increased firepower and strength over that of Fox's and Falco's, but is shorter.
Wolf is an optional character in The Subspace Emissary. There is a secret door in The Ruins that leads to Lylat Cruise, where Wolf can be fought by the player's fighter.
Lucario A canine-like Pokémon with the ability to use auras. He teleports on to the stage.
  • Up: ExtremeSpeed is when Lucario dashes at a high speed in a similar way to Pikachu's Quick Attack. It also allows Lucario to cling on to any surface.
  • Standard: Aura Sphere is when Lucario charges an aura energy ball. The higher his damage, the more powerful and quicker the Aura Sphere becomes.
  • Side: Force Palm is when Lucario thrusts his hands forward, releasing a wave of aura. It changes its power depending on how close Lucario uses it at an enemy.
  • Down: Double Team has Lucario perform a stance so that if an enemy attacks Lucario at the right timing, he splits into two and quickly launches a counter attack.
  • Final Smash: Aura Storm is when Lucario jumps up into the sky and fires a huge aura beam like that of Samus's except downward. Lucario can rotate the aura beam to aim at opponents.
Lucario first fights Meta Knight before they decide to team up. On the Halberd, Lucario uses his aura to discover Snake hiding under a cardboard box. Lucario also teams up with Peach, Sheik, Fox and Falco.


  • Final Smash - Certainly one of the most notable of the new items is the Smash Ball. Unlike many of the other items in the game, you literally have to attack this item in order to possess its amazing power.
  • Helping - Making a return is the Poké Ball, which releases a random Pokémon that will attack all other enemies except the person who threw the ball. More Pokémon than in previous games are available, such as Groudon and Deoxys. Fourth generation Pokémon appear also. Assist Trophies are items that are somewhat like the Poké Ball, but instead of releasing a Pokémon, it releases a character that didn't quite make the cut as a playable character. They "assist" the fighter who uses the item by attacking, much like a Pokémon. A list of Assist Trophy characters can be seen below. They can be killed by other players.
  • Shooting - Many shooting items will be in the game. Unlike in Melee, you can fire the item while running and jumping. The Cracker Launcher rapidly shoots firecrackers in any direction you choose. The Super Scope will make a return along with the Ray Gun. Fire Flowers will also return with their original design from Smash Bros. 64.
  • Projectiles - One unusual new item that was announced is the Banana Peel, which can be thrown on the ground for your foes to slip on. It is unknown what the Banana Peel originates from, with the Mario Kart or DK series being the most likely.
All of the items found in the Item Switch menu

A returning item from the original Smash Bros. 64 game is the Bumper, which was actually the only item that hadn't returned to Melee. In Brawl, when characters touch the Bumper, they will get violently knocked around by it. A new feature of the bumper is that it can now float. It is speculated that the Flipper from Balloon Fight (which appeared in Melee) has been scrapped, due to the large similarities to it and the Bumper.

The Spring Board from Super Mario World was revealed in the demo. At first, it can be carried; but when thrown, it bounces around and characters can get bounced by it.

Another new item has been revealed called the Pitfall, which comes from the Animal Crossing series. When thrown, it disappears into the ground as a hidden trap wherever it lands. If a character lands on it, he/she will become trapped in the ground for a short period of time. When placed on a pass-through platform, it will merely cause the character to fall directly through the platform. The Smoke Ball also joins the item roster. When thrown, a smoke ball will produce various colors of smoke that can blind your foes and make fighting difficult. It has been confirmed that Mr. Saturns and Green Shells will return.

The site confirmed a new item named the Gooey Bomb, which is a bomb that can be thrown to your foe. If it gets stuck there for too long it will explode, thus harming the enemy. Another new item is the Smart Bomb from the Star Fox series, which causes an enormous explosion when thrown. Bob-ombs will also return as items.

  • Bludgeoning - The Golden Hammer from the Wrecking Crew video game has been revealed. It acts as a normal hammer (which has also been shown), though will attack with greater force and speed. If it goes fast enough - you'll even be able to walk on thin air! Some of the Golden Hammers, however, don't quite work, and if you attack your opponent, it'll turn into what the director calls the "Golden Squeaky Hammer", and just squeak upon impact, rather than harming them. Many bludgeoning items would return from the original game, including beam swords, home-run bats, star rods, and paper fans. The Lip's Stick item from Melee was also shown to make a return to Brawl. Warpstars were also shown to return from Melee.
  • Transformation - The Superspicy Curry from the Kirby series enters Brawl. When eaten, it causes characters to breath fire continuously, even when performing attacks. The new Special Brawl mode suggests the possible return of the metal box, bunny ears, cloaking device, and Mushrooms as transformation items.
  • Gear - The Franklin Badge is featured in Brawl as a new item from the Earthbound series. Unlike most items, this badge can actually be worn by characters when picked up. The Franklin Badge possesses the ability to protect the character wearing it from projectiles and even reflect them. This item is also small and hardly noticeable when worn by characters.
  • Explosives - A new item of what looks to be explosives of the size of a crate can be a pain if one does not know how to use it at the right time and by what it means, be careful with fire around it.
  • Health Replenishing - Food will return from Melee and will come in many varieties. Heart Containers and Maximum Tomatoes will also return to Brawl. Another item is Team Healer which allows you to throw this item at a teammate to help relieve damage.
  • Item Containers - Two other returning items are crates and barrels. This time around, they will be changed visually along with the type of scenery (i.e. on the Star Fox stage, they are metal and futuristic, and on Yoshi's Island, they are presents). There are also sliding crates that slide along the ground and down hills when you throw them. Characters will be able to stand on top of Rolling Crates, a kind of crate that has wheels and a lot of pain to boot. Capsules will also return, along with Party Balls.
  • Combining - The Dragoon from Kirby Air Ride also appears as an item, but with a twist. It is separated into three parts that must be collected in order to assemble it. Once assembled, the Dragoon will allow you to aim with a cross hair and ride through opponents causing one-hit KOs. Like the Smash Ball, parts of the Dragoon can be dropped if you take too many hits from your foes.
  • Unknown Items - What looks to be an ordinary soccer ball was shown as an item. It likely originates from the Mario Strikers series. When the soccer ball is hit by an attack, it catches on fire and speeds in the direction of the hit before losing momentum and falling down. An item shaped like an alarm clock was shown falling out of a party ball. The Japanese "Famitsu" magazine stated that the alarm clock slows down time for your opponents. A new item resembling a sea urchin with eyes was revealed in the demo.

Assist Trophies[edit]

Assist Trophies is an item but when picked up it summons a video game character, similar to the Poké Ball.

Character Information
Hammer Bro
Hammer Bro. - There is very little information about his attacks. It looks like he hits people with his hammer even though on the website it mentions he throws it. File:Hammer Bro Brawl Assist.jpg
Samurai Goroh
Sumurai Goroh from the F-Zero series appears to be an Assist Trophy. His technique is slashing his samurai sword rapidly on an opposing character. It is useless fighting back since he is invincible. Like all Assist Trophies he stops eventually. File:Sumuraih Goroh assist.jpg
Knuckle Joe
Knuckle Joe is a karate like Assist Trophy. He starts off with Vulcan Jab!, where he punches extremely quick, making foes have no time to dodge them. To finish them off he has two options. The first is Smash Punch!, where he powers up his punch and lets it out making the character fly vertically (flame appears in the background) and the other is Rising Break!, where he punches the people high into the sky (thunder appears in the background.) File:Knuckle Joe Brawl Assist.jpg
Starfox's old enemy finally arrives in Brawl as an assist trophy. He appears to be the SNES Andross. The whole time he appears in the back of the scene and then he blows blocks out of his mouth towards his opponents. File:Andross Brawl Assist.jpg
Lyn has a similar sword to Samurai Goroh, except she has a different style of slashing, instead of slashing everywhere she disappears, and then does a quick and powerful slash making the foe take in massive damage. File:Lyn Brawl Assist.jpg
Mr. Resetti
After he rises out of the ground, he merely gives a long lecture about assist trophies. A dialogue bubble will appear over his head to show what he is saying. He can supposedly cause characters to fall asleep if he mentions their names, but this hasn't been officially confirmed. His dialogue bubble can also get in the way while fighting. File:Mr Resseti.jpg
Like Excitebikes, the Lakitu also appears in its pixel art format. It floats around throwing 2-D spinies that can harm you. File:Lakuta.jpg
Nintendog Labrador
This cute puppy takes up the whole screen, blocking the view of the fight, it helps calm you down... or can turn the already hectic fight even more frantic! It is unknown if other Nintendog breeds will appear. File:Nintendog Brawl Assist.jpg
Dr. Wright
The most unusual character as an Assist Trophy. When Dr. Wright is summoned, he uses his baton to make sky scrapers emerge from the ground, thus knocking your enemies up in the sky with a nasty blow. File:Dr.Wright Brawl Assist.jpg
First the Devil flies up in the sky. Next he points to the side and then every platform disappears except for the ones that were on the side he was pointing to. File:Devil Brawl Assist.jpg
Multiple Excitebikes will appear on the stage in their original pixel art versions. They come in different colors and will drive over any players they come into contact with. File:Excite Bike Assist Brawl.jpg
Little Mac
Little Mac is the tiny protagonist from Punch-Out!!, though he's a very powerful character. After using your opponent as if he was a punching bag, he'll finish it off with an uppercut. He was the most favored classic character, from a new series to be playable in Brawl, well he didn't make it, people believe Little Mac as an Assist Trophies is small foundations on him being playable in the next Smash Bros.
File:LittleMac s.jpg
Gray Fox
The first third party assist trophy who was announced for Brawl. The character is, like Snake, from the Metal Gear series, and is a character covered in metalic armor with face plating that has a red bright eye in the middle. When he is released, he'll attack with his sword. Not only this, but if someone happens to thrust a projectile towards him, he'll reflect it back towards the sender.
File:GrayFox s.jpg
Saki Amamiya
Saki Amamiya is the acrobatic melee fighter from the Sin and Punishment game, featured on the Nintendo 64. He fights with his cannon sword and laser gun.
Stafy is the starfish from the Japan-only release "Densetsu no Stafy." He does spin attacks and glows brightly. Though he is also weak, and is the only assist trophey that can be attacked. File:StafyAssist.jpg
Waluigi is Luigi's Wario, meaning he's an anti-Luigi. He stomps and kicks his opponents into the ground mutliple times in a row, before finishing them off with on powerful kick or a huge wack with his tennis racket. File:WaluigiAssist.jpg
In the E for All demo apparently there was an Advance Wars army, Jill from Drill Dozer, a Metroid from the series of the same name, and Mach Rider.

Poké Balls[edit]

Poké Balls are items found in the Pokémon series, each one containing a Pokémon that you're able to summon out into battle. Certain Pokémon, such as Mew and Celebi, two popular legendary Pokémon, will drop presents such as CD's, though the likelihood of them appearing is very low. The following are a list of Pokémon that are featured in Brawl.

Generation Pokémon
Generation I Pokémon Goldeen is a weak Pokémon who'll just splash on the ground. Snorlax is a giant behemoth who'll come crashing down on his opponents. Meowth returns from the original game, and will fire coins at his enemies. Staryu was also shown to return and uses swift instead of water gun. Electrode powers up and then explode after done charging. (Electrode may also explode, but only hurt himself instead). Mew also returns and will give you a CD in return for releasing it.
Generation II Pokémon Chikorita, a starter Pokémon, will use razor leaf on its opponents. Wobuffet also returns to "Brawl". Togepi returns as well. Bellossom returns and peforms the move, Sleep Powder. Entei also appears using Eruption. Suicune returns attacking with same move, Blizzard. Lugia uses Aeroblast and Ho-oh uses Sacred Fire. Celebi returns and leaves a present in return.
Generation III Pokémon Groudon, a legendary Pokémon, will be engulfed in flames, launching anything that touches it far away. Another legendary, Deoxys, will use Hyperbeam on all of its opponents below. Kyogre will use Hydro pump on everyone, Torchic will burn anything close to it, and Gardevoir will generate a force field around itself. Latios and Latias will fly across the screen and slash anything it hits.
Generation IV Pokémon Piplup will use surf to knock down enemies, and Munchlax will eat any of the items on the stage. Bonsly can be thrown at an opponent, causing massive damage.

Collectible items[edit]

In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, there are special collection elements that add a large diversity of items that you can gain as rewards. Collectibles can be found during multi-player battles or by completing certain tasks. They are divided into a few separate categories:

  • Stickers: These items are introduced in Super Smash Bros. Brawl and can be collected during multi-player matches. Players can place stickers in an album and make single frame comics or even save screenshots.

List of Super Smash Bros. Brawl stickers.

  • CDs: Like stickers, these can also be collected in-game. By picking up a CD, players can gain new music for different stages in the game. A new mode also allows players to change the likelihood that a song will play on a stage.
  • Trophies- Trophies were confirmed to return into Brawl. As before, you will be able to gain trophies as prizes for accomplishing certain tasks. Each one features a solid model of an in-game character along with its description and the ability to rotate the trophy itself. It was stated that trophies are somewhat harder to gain than stickers, and you will be able to view the ones you find in a list or gallery.

List of Super Smash Bros. Brawl trophies.


This section is under construction. Therefore, please excuse its informal appearance while it is being worked on. We hope to have it completed as soon as possible.

The following are a list of stages that appear in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. There are total of 41 stages, 31 of which were specifically created for the game and ten returning from Super Smash Bros. Melee.

Image Name Music Description
New stages
Battlefield Battlefield
Menu (Super Smash Bros. Melee)
Battlefield Ver. 2
Battlefield (Melee)
Multi-Man Melee 1 (Melee)3
A basic stage that takes place on a floating isle, with three even smaller, fall through platforms found directly above it. The battle has a day-to-night transition effect, but this does not affect gameplay.
Bridge of Eldin Main Theme (The Legend of Zelda)
Ocarina of Time Medley
Title (The Legend of Zelda)3
The Dark World
Hidden Mountain & Forest3
Hyrule Field Theme
Main Theme (Twilight Princess)
The Hidden Village3
Midna's Lament3
The stage takes place on the Bridge of Eldin, a location in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. The bridge is both long and flat, and it spans across the entire stage. Occasionally, King Bulblin comes in riding Lord Bullbo and plants a bomb in the center of the stage. A few seconds after being planted, the bomb explodes, leaving a gap in the center of the bridge. A Twilight Portal eventually appears, and the missing pieces come out from it to flawlessly fill the gap within the stage.
Castle Siege Fire Emblem Theme
With Mila's Divine Protection (Celica Map 1)
Preparing to Advance
Winning Road - Roy's Hope3
Shadow Dragon Medley3
Ike's Theme3
Against the Dark Knight
Crimean Army Sortie
Power-Hungry Fool3
Victory is Near3
Fire Emblem (Melee)
Castle Siege is a Fire Emblem stage representing the series but not any particular game. The stage begins on the roof of a large castle, and it has a main platform, which is slightly slanted, and two pass-through platforms above it. In the background, it is shown that the castle is under attack by fireballs during the midst of a war. After a certain time passes, the fighters are taken into the throne room. Here, there are a few statues holding up some pass-through platforms, and the fighters have the ability to break both of them. After a while, the fighters are taken to a volcanic underground area. After a while, they are returned to the roof of the castle, repeating the cycle.
Delfino Plaza Delfino Plaza
Title / Ending (Super Mario World)
Main Theme (New Super Mario Bros.)3
Ricco Harbor3
Main Theme (Super Mario 64)3
This stage takes place at Delfino Plaza, the hub location of Super Mario Sunshine. At first, the fight takes place on a platform that travels around the entire plaza. Eventually it lands at a certain area, such as a sandy island, the Shine Gate, or near the Grand Pianta Statue.
Distant Planet Main Theme (Pikmin)
World Map (Pikmin 2)
Stage Clear / Title (Pikmin)
Forest of Hope
Ai no Uta
Ai no Uta (French Version)3
Tane no Uta3
Environmental Noises
Title (Big Brain Academy)
A stage based on the Forest of Hope in Pikmin. The middle of the stage has a platform made of vines and a few leaf platforms. Players can also grab Pellets from Pellet Posies at a nearby Onion to get an item. A Red Bulborb often appears at the stage for a brief period of time, and if a fighter lands in the Red Bulborb's mouth, it closes its mouth and moves back off-screen, causing the fighter to lose a stock. There are periods when the stage goes through a heavy rainstorm, which causes a stream of water to travel down the slanted platform, putting any fighter on the platform at risk of sliding into the pit below.
Frigate Orpheon Vs. Ridley
Vs. Parasite Queen3
Opening / Menu (Metroid Prime)
Sector 1
Vs. Meta Ridley
Multiplayer (Metroid Prime 2)3
Based on and named after a ship from Metroid Prime, Frigate Orpheon features the Parasite Queen in the background, locked in an air tube. Sometimes the lights go out in the stage for a short while. Another thing that sometimes happens is the stage flipping upside down, somewhat like Brinstar Depths from Super Smash Bros. Melee, after a siren goes off.
Halberd Meta Knight's Revenge
The Legendary Air Ride Machine3
Gourmet Race
Butter Building
King Dedede's Theme3
Squeak Squad Theme3
Vs. Marx3
0² Battle3
Boss Theme Medley
Checker Knights
Forest/Nature Area
Frozen Hillside3
The stage is based on Meta Knight's ship, the Halberd, seen in Kirby Super Star. The stage starts at a hangar. Soon after, a platform emerges from the ground and goes up into midair, taking the fighters with it. The Halberd eventually appears in the background, and soon after, the platform briefly settles on the deck of the ship. On the Halberd, the Combo Cannon, featured in the background, tries to attack the fighters by shooting laser beams, firing cannonballs, or even attacking with its mechanical arm.
Lylat Cruise Space Armada
Main Theme (Star Fox)
Main Theme (Star Fox 64)
Area 6
Area 6 Ver. 23
Star Wolf
Star Wolf (Star Fox: Assault)3
Space Battleground
Break Through the Ice3
Tunnel Scene3
A Star Fox-themed stage that takes place on the Pleiades as it travels through outer space, an asteroid field, and Corneria. A dogfight between Star Fox and Star Wolf sometimes takes place in the background, but neither this nor the scenery affect the gaemplay. Like Battlefield, Lylat Cruise features a main platform and a few pass-through platforms above the main one.
Mario Circuit Mario Circuit
Luigi Circuit
Waluigi Pinball
Rainbow Road3
Mario Tennis / Mario Golf Mario Power Tennis / Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour
Excite Truck3
Title (3D Hot Rally)3
The stage takes place at Figure-8 Circuit, a race course from Mario Kart DS. Fighters are placed in the overlapping area of the stage. Throughout a match, eight Shy Guys race around the race course. Fighters must avoid Shy Guys whenever they approach either from behind or from driving off the bridge from the left side and driving their way out from the right side. If a Shy Guy crashes into a fighter, they take damage, but it is possible for fighters to briefly spin out a Shy Guy's kart.
Mushroomy Kingdom World 1-1:
Ground Theme (Super Mario Bros.)
Ground Theme 2 (Super Mario Bros.)3
Gritzy Desert
World 1-2:
Underground Theme (Super Mario Bros.)
Underwater Theme (Super Mario Bros.)3
Underground Theme (Super Mario Land)3
A stage that takes place in a recreation of World 1-1 and World 1-2 from Super Mario Bros., with the former being set in a desert unlike in its game of origin. Both stages are autoscrolling, so fighters characters are forced to go through the levels while fighting.
New Pork City Porky's Theme
Unfounded Revenge / Smashing Song of Praise
Mother 3 Love Theme3
You Call This a Utopia?!3
Humoresque of a Little Dog
A very large stage comparable to the size of the Temple stage in Super Smash Bros. Melee. It is based on and named after New Pork City in Mother 3. The stage features several platforms, one of them being a swinging ship. The Ultimate Chimera occasionally makes an appearance, and if it touches a fighter, they take heavy damage and are likely to be KO'd out of the stage.
Norfair Main Theme (Metroid)
Ending (Metroid)3
Theme of Samus Aran, Space Warrior
Battle Scene / Final Boss (Golden Sun)3
Marionation Gear
A stage set in an underground volcanic area. It shares a name with a recurring location in the Metroid franchise. Norfair is reminiscent of the Super Smash Bros. stage Brinstar in layout and having the occasional rising lava as a hazard. Norfair adds to the lava hazard by sometimes having either a large, circular body of lava fill one half of the stage or a huge lava wave sweep the stage. In the latter circumstance, a small hatch appears, and fighters are forced to fight their way in before the lava wave hits the stage, dealing heavy damage upon contact.
PictoChat PictoChat
Mii Channel3
Wii Shop Channel3
Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day
Opening Theme (Wii Sports)
Charge! (Wii Play)3
Shaberu! DS Cooking Navi3
Lip's Theme (Panel de Pon)3
Dr. Mario (Melee)
A stage that takes place within the Nintendo DS's PictoChat application. It features only a single platform. As time passes, sketches are drawn on the stage, and they can serve as either an obstacle or an additional platform.
Pokémon Stadium 2 Pokémon Main Theme
Road to Viridian City (From Pallet Town / Pewter City)3
Pokémon Center3
Pokémon Gym / Evolution
Wild Pokémon Battle!
A successor to the Pokémon Stadium stage in Super Smash Bros. Melee, Pokémon Stadium 2 occasionally has its terrain switch between electric, ground, ice, and air while also retaining its standard appearance. The gameplay is affected depending on the terrain, such as the electric terrain having a moving conveyor belt that shifts fighters off the right edge of the stage, the ice terrain having a slippery surface, and the wind terrain having strong winds blowing upward, allowing fighters to remain in midair for longer periods of time. The ground terrain has the least effect on gameplay because it only consists of a small mountain on the left side.
Rumble Falls Jungle Level Ver.2
Jungle Level
King K. Rool / Ship Deck 2
Bramble Blast3
Battle for Storm Hill
DK Jungle 1 Theme (Barrel Blast)
The Map Page / Bonus Level
A stage based on Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, Rumble Falls is a vertically scrolling stage like the Icicle Mountain stage in Super Smash Bros. Melee, therefore requiring fighters to jump from platforms while battling.
Shadow Moses Island MGS4 ~Theme of Love~ Smash Bros. Brawl Version
Theme of Tara
Battle in The Base
Yell "Dead Cell"
Snake Eater (Instrumental)3
Theme of Solid Snake3
Calling to the Night3
This takes place on a building in front of the helipad of Shadow Moses. There are two light towers on both sides of the stage that project active search lights. If one lands on a fighter, they raise their hands in, and an explanation point appears over their head. It is possible to destroy the light towers. Every once and a while, one of three Metal Gears make an appearance, including Metal Gear Rex and Metal Gear Ray.
Skyworld Underworld
Title (Kid Icarus)
Title (Kid Icarus) (rearrangement)3
Kid Icarus Original Medley
Skyworld is Pit's home stage, based on Angel Land from Kid Icarus. Like Battlefield, Skyworld takes place on a large platform suspended in midair, and it has a few smaller ones above it. Underneath each platform is a cloud, which is presumably the thing that is holding it up. The platforms can crack and break from damage, causing fighters to fall through the clouds, but it regenerates shortly after breaking.
Smashville Title (Animal Crossing)
Go K.K. Rider!
2:00 a.m.
Town Hall and Tom Nook's Store3
The Roost
A simple Animal Crossing-themed stage consisting of a main platform and a pass-through platform above it. While its structure is simple, Smashville has an elaborate background and several minor details such as Animal Crossing characters spectating in the background. Unlike other stages, Smashville uses the Wii's internal clock to determine the time of day as well as the season, which changes the setting accordingly.
The Summit Ice Climber
Balloon Trip
Shin Onigashima
Clu Clu Land3
Icicle Mountain (Melee)3
An Ice Climber stage that takes places on top of an icy mountain. It has an icy floor at the bottom, a few pass-through platforms, a breakable sloped icy platform, and a small ice platform to the left of the main one. Some pumpkins and eggplants appear. After a while, the stage breaks off, causing it to slide down the steep mountain, and then lands into the water. As it sails across the water, a Polar Bear lands on to the stage, causing it to sink slightly into the water. If a fighter falls into the water on either side of the stage, a Fish (from Balloon Fight) jumps up, attempting to eat the fighter before diving back underwater.
WarioWare, Inc. WarioWare, Inc.
WarioWare, Inc. Medley
Ashley's Song
Ashley's Song (JP)
Mike's Song3
Mike's Song (JP)3
Mona Pizza's Song
Mona Pizza's Song (JP)
A stage based on and styled after the WarioWare series. It starts off on a short platform, which has four pass-through platforms hovering above it. Every several seconds, the fighters are sent into a microgame, most of them being a recreation of one from a WarioWare installment. A word stating the objective briefly appears on screen, and the fighters have to fulfill that objective. Those who fulfill the objective are given a temporary power-up, such as becoming invincible or growing big, but those who fail at the objective receive no reward.
Yoshi's Island Obstacle Course
Ending (Yoshi's Story)
Yoshi's Island
Flower Field3
A stage done in the style of Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island. The season in the background changes every few minutes. A Support Ghost sometimes appears to the side of the stage, and it can be used as a spare platform.
Returning stages
Brinstar Brinstar (Melee)
Brinstar Depths (Melee)
An underground area filled with light green acid, which often raises up to the main stage, burning any fighter who touches it.
Corneria Corneria (Melee)
Venom (Melee)3
A stage where fighters battle on top of the Great Fox as it travels through Corneria.
Temple Temple (Melee)
Great Temple / Temple3
One of the largest stages in Super Smash Bros. Brawl and its preceding installment, Temple is a The Legend of Zelda-themed stage that takes place on a floating isle with temple architecture inspired by the palaces in Zelda II: The Adventure of Link.

3 - indicates an unlockable music track



Adventure Mode: The Subspace Emissary[edit]

Main article: Adventure Mode: The Subspace Emissary
The Subspace Emissary map

Super Smash Bros. Brawl features a unique platforming mode titled Adventure Mode: The Subspace Emissary. Masahiro Sakurai stated that although the past games featured a large multiplayer mode, they've never created an extensive single-player adventure. This time, the developers have included a plot-line that features the histories of the many fighters in Brawl. The Subspace Emissary will also include many new diverse characters, enemies, and levels that will each play a part in the adventure.

Stage selection is done via a map screen, which also allows players to select their difficulty (Easy, Normal, Hard, Very Hard, Intense) and determine if you want two-player co-op play. Before the beginning of each stage, the player picks a "Team" of allied characters that he or she would like to use to complete that particular level. Each stage has a fixed amount of lives that one can lose before the game is lost.

As you go through the game, your damage percentage will be displayed at the bottom of the screen for each player, just like in multiplayer battles. At the left side of the screen, a bar showing what seems to be your lives is displayed. A feature that was not present in Melee is that enemies now have health. As you fight them, their own health bars will be displayed at the top of the screen. More than one health bar may appear if you are fighting multiple enemies at once.

The Subspace Emissary supports two-player co-op. When playing cooperatively, the two players share the same amount of lives. If player one is on his or her last life, and dies, but player two is still alive, the game is still over. Within stages, the game's camera follows player one, and so it is player two's responsibility to keep up with player one. If the two become separated, player two may return to player one's location with the "Space Jump" technique, aka Kirby Super Star.

The Subspace Emissary takes place in the World of Trophies. It is composed of a wide variety of terrain ranging from vast forests and grasslands to deep caverns and large deserts. The most notable structure is the enormous stadium that hovers over the land. It was the major place of all battles, until the Subspace invasion began. During this invasion, the entire stadium, along with any potential visitors, were engulfed in a huge explosion.

The Subspace Army is the antagonistic force in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. They possess special weapons called Subspace Bombs. The R.O.B. Sentries assist in activating each bomb. It takes 3 minutes before a bomb explodes. When a Subspace bomb explodes, it creates an enormous ball of energy that engulfs the area and brings it into Subspace. Aside from bombs, the Subspace Army also controls Meta Knight's massive airship, the Halberd. They use the Halberd to transport their armies and deliver the Subspace Bombs to their destinations.

No. Name Playable characters Characters who join
1 Midair Stadium Kirby, Mario, Peach, Zelda/Sheik Kirby, Peach/Zelda/Sheik
2 Skyworld Mario, Pit Mario, Pit
3 Sea of Clouds Kirby, Peach/Zelda/Sheik N/A
4 The Jungle Diddy Kong, Donkey Kong Diddy Kong
5 The Plain Mario, Pit N/A
6 The Lake Diddy Kong, Fox Fox
7 The Ruined Zoo Lucas, Ness, Pokémon Trainer Lucas, Pokémon Trainer
8 The Battlefield Fortress Ike, Marth, Meta Knight Ike, Marth, Meta Knight
9 The Forest Link, Yoshi Link, Yoshi, Toon Link (by battling him here after clearing the mode)
10 The Research Facility Part 1 Pikachu, Zero Suit Samus Pikachu, Zero Suit Samus
11 The Lake Shore Kirby, Link, Mario, Pit, Yoshi N/A
12 The Path to the Ruins Lucas, Pokémon Trainer N/A
13 The Cave Kirby, Link, Mario, Pit, Yoshi N/A
14 The Ruins Lucas, Pokémon Trainer Wolf (by battling him here after clearing the mode)
15 The Wilds Part 1 Ike, Marth, Meta Knight N/A
16 The Ruined Hall Lucas, Pokémon Trainer N/A
17 The Wilds Part 2 Kirby, Link, Mario, Pit, Yoshi N/A
18 The Swamp Diddy Kong, Falco, Fox Falco, Jigglypuff (by battling her here after clearing the mode)
19 The Research Facility Part 2 Pikachu, Samus, Zero Suit Samus Samus
20 Outside the Ancient Ruins Captain Falcon, Diddy Kong, Donkey Kong, Olimar Captain Falcon, Donkey Kong, Olimar
21 The Glacial Peak Ice Climbers, Lucario, Meta Knight Ice Climbers, Lucario
22 The Canyon Kirby, Link, Mario, Pit, Yoshi N/A
23 Battleship Halberd Interior Lucario, Meta Knight, Snake Snake
24 Battleship Halberd Exterior Peach, Zelda/Sheik Peach/Zelda
25 Battleship Halberd Bridge Falco, Fox, Lucario, Peach, Snake, Zelda/Sheik Mr. Game & Watch
26 The Subspace Bomb Factory Part 1 Pikachu, Samus N/A
27 The Subspace Bomb Factory Part 2 Captain Falcon, Diddy Kong, Donkey Kong, Olimar, Pikachu, R.O.B., Samus R.O.B.
28 Entrance to Subspace Captain Falcon, Diddy Kong, Donkey Kong, Falco, Fox, Ice Climbers, Ike, Kirby, Link, Lucario, Lucas, Mario, Marth, Meta Knight, Mr. Game & Watch, Olimar, Peach, Pikachu, Pit, Pokémon Trainer, R.O.B., Samus, Snake, Yoshi, Zelda/Sheik N/A
29 Subspace Part 1 King Dedede, Luigi, Ness Anyone saved from Subspace, Bowser, King Dedede, Luigi, Ness
30 Subspace Part 2 Kirby Anyone saved from Subspace, Ganondorf (if Link and Zelda/Sheik trophies are both saved), Wario (if Wario trophy is saved)
31 The Great Maze Anyone saved from Subspace, Bowser, King Dedede, Kirby, Luigi, Ness, Sonic Sonic
Two R.O.B.s activating the Subspace Bomb.
  • Primid - The most common and basic enemy encountered. They are puppet-like beings who bear the Subspace symbol on their chest. They mainly run around and make faces at the player's character, but can sometimes attack unexpectedly. They are featured in several variations:
  • Fire Primid - Red Primid that have the ability to shoot fire.
  • Boom Primid - These Primid carry boomerangs and can therefore attack you from a distance.
  • Sword Primid - These Primids wield green variations of the beam sword. They occasionally drop beam swords when defeated.
  • Scope Primid - These Primid shoot from guns they carry around. They either shoot three consecutive shots or charge up for one larger shot. Once defeated they will either drop a Super Scope or a Cracker Launcher.
  • Big Primid - A basic Primid only bigger than their tiny brothers with attack power doubled.
  • Metal Primid - Just like the normal Primid but do not flinch, and have permanent reflectors.

The mode features several other enemies, many of them being robotic:

  • The R.O.B. Squad, groups of various R.O.B.s whom have missiles and lasers as their weaponry.
  • The Greap - a large hulking mechanical being that sports two incredible sickles, its weak spot is its head.
  • Feyesh are big flying creatures that have a resemblance to both a fish and an eyeball.
  • The Shaydas, who seem to be made entirely out of fog - though also have two large sword like weapons as well. Their weak spot is the glowing orb in their chest.
  • The Bytan, while seemingly harmless - aren't, as the small spheroids are capable of multiplying. They bear a resemblance to Pokéballs.
  • The Poppant, on the other hand, are relatively harmless, seeing that once you approach them, they'll cower and skedaddle off the stage.
  • Roaders are unicycle like enemies who drive around the stage - and are very fast at doing so. Also, Roaders are reminiscent of the original ExciteBiker.
  • The Glunder is a static-producing eyeball that hides in a metal shell. When you get near them, they open their shells and send out electricity.
  • The Glire is some sort of subspecies of the Glunder, in which they send out fire instead of electricity.
  • Spaaks are large mechanical clouds that try to ram you. When attacked, they turn black and become more aggressive.
  • Mites are tiny creatures that look like stick figure drawings. They like to attack in huge groups and are continuously produced through dark portals that can also be destroyed.
  • Towtows are large pink and white sheep-like monsters that will charge at you with their spiral horns.
  • The Trowlon is a pink robotic like creature who is quite thin compared to many of the others. According to the website it'll use its trowel like body to carry their opponents, or rather your character, off the top of the screen.
  • The Auroros are large mechanical birds who'll charge their beaks into the ground, attempting to harm you. They look similar to Dragoon, a legendary Air Ride machine from Kirby Air Ride.
  • The Roturret is a large robot which has a cannon on either side. They float in the air, attempting to shoot you down. They can rotate, depending on which side you are on (so if you on its right, it will turn to its right to shoot etc.).

Aside from these enemies, there are others that appear. A few of these come from an actual series, including the Hammer Bros., Bullet Bills, Goombas, and Koopas.

Classic Mode[edit]

Main article: Classic Mode

This mode returns from the past two games and basically works the same way it always did. You must fight your way through a series of battles, each in a different Nintendo world. Some stages that you battle on may have different rules to include Giant matches, Metal matches, Team battles, or battles against up to three foes at once. At the end, you can gain special coins that can be bet in Spectator mode, and be used as ammo in the Coin Launcher minigame.


Main article: Events (Super Smash Bros. Brawl)

Events is a single player mode in which the player must battle through certain pre-determined situations. Each event now has the option of three difficulties: easy, normal, and hard. Examples of some of the events featured in brawl include a battle against teamed up Bowser and Dedede, Pit's destruction of the Skyworld platforms, Yoshi laying Pikachu and Kirby in eggs simultaneously, and an epic battle between Link and Dark Link. Brawl features 41 single-player event matches in total.

A new addition to this mode that wasn't present in Melee is co-op play events, which must be played with a second player. There are 21 co-op events. There are three difficulty levels with each event, as with single-player.


Main article: Stadium (Super Smash Bros. series)

The Stadium consists of a few extra minigame modes. It returns from Super Smash Bros. Melee, and retains several of the same modes. Every Stadium mode has support for two player co-op mode.

In Home-Run Contest, the player's fighter must damage a Sandbag as much as they can within ten seconds. Just before the time is up, the fighter must pick up a Home-Run Bat and swing it at the Sandbag, which then travels at a distance. The more damage the Sandbag takes, the farther or higher it travels. A difference from Super Smash Bros. Melee is that there is an invisible barrier around the platform to prevent the fighter from accidentally hitting the Sandbag off of the stage. However, the barrier can break if hit enough times, although it always disappears right when the ten seconds are up. If two players are playing, they can do so either cooperatively or competitively.

In Target Smash!!, the player's fighter has to break ten targets within the time limit. Unlike Super Smash Bros. Melee, every character no longer has their own stage. There are only five stages. Prior to Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection's discontinuation, players could share their scores online.

In Multi-Man Brawl, the player's fighter has to fight against the Fighting Alloy Team by selecting one of several modes of play (such as 10-Man Brawl or Endless Brawl). There are four types of Alloys, each having a similar shape and behavior to a certain fighter. Red Alloys are similar to Captain Falcon, Blue Alloys are similar to Princess Zelda, Green Alloys are similar to Kirby, and Yellow Alloys are similar to Mario. The Alloys can not perform special moves. Multi-Man Brawl allows for co-op play.

In Boss Battles, which is unlocked after clearing The Subspace Emissary, the player's fighter must defeat ten bosses from The Subspace Emissary as well as Master Hand and Crazy Hand. Like other Stadium modes, Boss Battles can be played cooperatively. The bosses are always fought in a random order, except for Tabuu, who is always fought last. The fighter has only one stock throughout the mode, but after each battle, they are taken to a resting area that has three Heart Containers (five in co-op).


Main article: Training

Training mode returns and seems to be the same from previous installments. Basically what you do here is try out the multiple characters that are playable, and practice with some of the items or abilities that you're able to perform. As in the previous games, you're able to mess with the options, which include changing the speed, picking certain items, the number of computer characters that appear on the screen (up to 3), the damage that the CPU has (up to 999%), the camera position, and a new feature called "help". When 'Help' is turned on, it displays information about the character's attacks, such as how much damage it is, and how many consecutive hits, along with others. This feature was always on in the previous two installments.


The multiplayer modes of the Super Smash Bros. series have always been the main highlight. This time, multiplayer is more in-depth then ever before with not only more options, but the addition of Nintendo WiFi Connection as well, which lets you play with people from all across the world. The following is all the information regarding the multiplayer mode of Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Special Brawl[edit]

Special Brawl is an extra mode for multiplayer battles. It allows you to customize your matches just like in Special Melee from Smash Bros. Melee. You can determine different characteristics of the players such as their speed and size. You can also do special things, such as making them breath fire or turning them invisible. Finally, you can determine the camera angle of the game. The newest feature of this mode that was not in Melee is that you can mix each of these individual rules to form a super brawl, such as Stamina Mini Bunny Metal Curry Light Fast Angled Brawl.


The tourney mode has been present in previous Super Smash Bros. installments, so it'd be obvious that they'd add it in Brawl. Basically, this is a mode where you play against a certain amount of people, going up all the way to 32. You play in various matches against your friends to determine who, out of all of them, is the best of the best. You have plenty of options before entering the tourney, including how many people per match, how many people will be playing, the rules of the game, which characters each person will be using, and so on. The winner also gets a nice looking trophy and the word "Champion" across the screen.

Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection[edit]

The Wi-Fi menu

Super Smash Bros. Brawl had a functional Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection mode prior to the service's discontinuation on May 20, 2014. Prior to the game's release, Nintendo confirmed on September 18, 2017 that the game would have a Wi-Fi mode, and was very restricted compared to Sony or Microsoft's online program.

First off, if you wish to let people know your name, you have to have their friend code, and they have to have yours. If you're battling a friend, you'll be able to perform up to four different "taunts", which essentially make a word bubble come out of the character, saying a statement.

The farther away a player is, the more the game will lag. For example, the gameplay will move faster if someone from Kansas is playing against someone in the same state or surrounding states, though if they come across someone who happens to be from Europe or Japan, then the lag will be much greater.

If you don't have any friends with a copy of Brawl, then you'll still be able to fight other online, though the features will be limited compared to those found in friend mode. For example, - you won't be able to showcase your name, and you won't be able to perform taunts that have the message bubbles. It should also be noted that the amount of games you've played in this mode will not be shown anywhere. However, if an opponent were to disconnect, they would quickly be replaced by a CPU, and the battle will continue as normal. Also, while waiting for a match to start, you'll be able to beat up the Sandbag from Super Smash Bros. Melee.

Also on Wi-Fi mode are icons that you can select. These icons are wide ranged, though they include one for every playable character, one for each series' emblems, and your Mii characters. However, these are just the ones shown in the image featured on Smash Bros. Dojo, and it is expected that there are many more.

Another Wi-Fi mode involves the classic Sandbag from Melee. In this mode, you can either compete for the highest score or work together to get a super-high one.

Unfortunately, the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection has been shut down as of May 20, 2014, making it no longer possible to play this game online.[3]

Spectator Mode[edit]

Spectator Mode is a Wi-Fi-only mode that allows players across the world to observe selected matches and bet on who will win. Because you're not allowed to see the players' stats, there is no telling who has the upper-hand during the matches, and winning will really just be luck.

You bet with the coins that you obtain in the game, and the more Coins you bet, the more you'll get if you end up being right. Also, if it happens to be a four player match rather than a two or three player game, then you'll either lose or win more coins depending on the results.

You'll commonly come in possession of Stickers in this mode, even if you don't win. You can get more Stickers if you do happen to win, though. Also, you may come across a Bonus Treasure, which can double or triple your Coins, and you could also get a rare Sticker, or trophy. If you're lucky, you could get the hammer, which is used to unlock one square in Challenges.


Main article: Vault (Super Smash Bros. series)

The Vault is mostly centered around the collectible trophies and stickers. In all, there are six sub-sections including the Trophy Gallery, the Trophy Hoard, the Coin Launcher, the Sticker Album, the Sticker Center, and the Stage Builder.

Trophy Gallery

Returning from Super Smash Bros. Melee, the Trophy Gallery is where all of the collected trophies are stored. Each trophy in the gallery features a background of each character, item or stage. The player can zoom in on their trophy, turn it around and change the background. A change from Super Smash Bros. Melee is that the trophies are separated into categories, including by series and type. The player earns a trophy for each fighter they complete Classic Mode with.

Trophy Hoard

The Trophy Hoard allows the player to see all of their collected trophies within a setting. They can also create their own setting by changing the scenery and placing certain trophies together.

Coin Launcher

The Coin Launcher replaces the Lottery from Super Smash Bros. Melee, and it makes use of coins, which can be obtained by performing certain feats. The coins are placed in a shooting weapon named the Coin Launcher. In doing so, trophies and explosive projectiles begin to rain down from above. The player can obtain a trophy by shooting it a few times, and shooting every enemy in a group formation often earns the player a sticker. Missiles are the main hazard, and if one hits the Coin Launcher, the player loses 10 coins.

Sticker Center and Album

The player can use their collected stickers to create scrapbooks and albums. They could also take images of them and send them to friends via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection (prior to the service's shutdown).

Stage Builder[edit]

Main article: Stage Builder
The editing screen of Stage Builder

The Stage Builder allows players to create and customize their own stages.

Creating a stage is simple - first you must decide on which background you wish your stage to be featured on, and how big it should be. Currently it appears that there are three different backgrounds and three sizes. Also during this time you're allowed to choose the music that will play on this stage, though only from a selection of music that you've already collected.

Next, you have to the edit stage section, where you add the stage pieces, which are wide ranged from different structures, floors, special features and so on. When adding, you're able to flip parts from left to right, enlarge or shrink selected parts, erase, swap palettes, and zoom in and out, among other things.

Once you've made your ideal stage, you'll then be allowed to name it and add a comment. Apparently, you can add a bunch of stages without worrying about the dramatic SD card memory (up to 1000 stages). After creating a stage, you'll be able to send it to a friend that you've registered.

Prior to Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection's discontinuation, the player could send their stages to Nintendo. At the end of the day, Nintendo will select the best of the sent stages, and will send them to anyone who is on Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. However, the stage vanishes after exactly one day.


Main article: Masterpieces

The mode allows the player to play demos for multiple different classic first-party games. Each of them were available on the Wii's Virtual Console prior to the service's discontinuation.

1 - The game is only available in the Japanese release
2 - The game is unlockable


The music for Super Smash Bros. Brawl was created by over 35 musicians who remade their favorite Nintendo songs - including new ones (New Super Mario Bros.) as well as classic old ones (Super Mario Bros.).

Each stage features multiple different songs that will be picked randomly (by default, if one wishes they can choose which songs will be played, or which songs will have a better chance of being played). For example, Delfino Plaza has 5 different songs. Each song will fit in with the series - The Bridge of Eldin stage will have Zelda only songs and so on. You're also be able to pick how often these songs appear.

Another new feature are CDs, which will appear while you fight. If you pick a CD up, you'll be able to later hear the song that's playing. However, these disappear quickly and are prone to falling off edges and can also be acquired by the CPU.

The track "The Roost" (composed by Kazumi Totaka) is available with the CD Touch! Generations Soundtrack.


The game has been rumored to be in production long before it was confirmed, and ever since then the speculation on who would be present started. At E3 2006, Nintendo officially revealed the game along with characters including Mario, Link, Kirby, Pikachu, Samus Aran, Pit, Meta Knight, Wario, and a surprise appearance of Snake. The movie noted the enhanced graphics and showed off some new items including the Smash Ball and the Nintendog, which at the time was assumed to just be an item, and not an Assist Trophy (seeing that Assist Trophies weren't known about back then). Also shown was Samus's ability to turn into Zero Suit Samus, though how she could do so wasn't revealed until much later.

At the time, it was also suggested that it'd be a launch title for the Wii, though it's now known that it won't be released until more than a year afterwards. Apparently, according to director Masahiro Sakurai, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata visited him, asking him to return once again as director for the game. This was actually during E3 2005, a year before the video's launch.

Then for many months, no news of the game was released, though that didn't stop the hype. In every issue of Nintendo Power they'd have a section each month dedicated to one of the revealed characters, though sadly no new information was found through this, and was mainly just a biography for the characters.

In early/mid 2006, it was announced that Sakurai would open up a blog that he'd update every weekday that would reveal plenty of information. This website came to be known as Smash Bros. DOJO!!, which served as a successor of the Japanese Super Smash Bros. Melee website, Sumabura ken!!, and as Super Smash Bros. Brawl's official website.

External links[edit]
