Captain Olimar

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Captain Olimar

Hey! Pikmin artwork
Franchise Pikmin
First appearance Pikmin (2001)
Latest appearance Pikmin 3 Deluxe (2020)
Portrayed by Kazumi Totaka
Species Hocotatian

Template:Quote2 Captain Olimar (or simply Olimar) is the main protagonist of the Pikmin franchise. Olimar is actually named after Mario himself (Olimar is an anagram of Mario, with an L added; his Japanese name, Orimā, (オリマー) which was romanized as Olimar, is a near perfect anagram of "Mario"). Olimar made his first appearance in Pikmin for the Nintendo GameCube.


Mario franchise[edit]

Luigi's Mansion[edit]

A trailer for the first Pikmin game, which includes Olimar, appears in Luigi's Mansion's option screen.

Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga[edit]

Olimar was planned to make an appearance in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga as one of the characters who appears when Mario and Luigi create new brews in Starbeans Cafe. In this appearance, his dialogue was written in the type of text box that appears whenever Mario or Luigi get certain items, as though written in a log book like in the actual Pikmin games. He also names Mario "Marlio" (a complete anagram of "Olimar") and mistakes Luigi for a dangerous beast. However, Professor E. Gadd replaced all of the other characters in the final version of the game in order to give E. Gadd a larger role.

WarioWare: D.I.Y.[edit]

Olimar, as seen in the microgame, Pikmin.

Olimar is seen in the WarioWare: D.I.Y. microgame Pikmin, exclusive to versions of the game outside Japan. The player controls Captain Olimar, who is holding a Red Pikmin in his hand and must toss it onto a small raft with nectar on it.

Mario Kart 8 / Mario Kart 8 Deluxe[edit]

In Mario Kart 8 (as of the version 4.0 update) and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, players can scan Olimar's amiibo into the game to unlock a racing suit for Miis based upon his appearance. Olimar himself can be seen on the Mii Racing Suits menu next to his respective Mii racing suit.

Yoshi's Woolly World / Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World[edit]

An Olimar theme is one of the many unlockable amiibo designs for Yoshi in Yoshi's Woolly World and Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World. By scanning an Olimar amiibo, players can unlock an Olimar-themed reskin for Yoshi.

Super Mario Maker[edit]

Olimar, alongside the majority of the Super Smash Bros. for 3DS and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U playable cast, cameos as one of the costumes Mario can obtain in Super Mario Maker via the Costume Mario power-up. Upon powering up, Olimar's voice from Pikmin 2 can be heard. If the player completes a level as Olimar, the "Course Clear" fanfare is replaced by the tune that plays after obtaining an important item in Pikmin 3. Pressing +Control Pad up on the controller lets Olimar blow his whistle.

Super Smash Bros. series[edit]

Super Smash Bros. character
Captain Olimar
Game appearances
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (unlockable)
Special moves
Standard:  Pikmin Pluck
Side:  Pikmin Throw
Up:  Pikmin Chain (Brawl); Winged Pikmin (for 3DS / Wii U onward)
Down:  Pikmin Order
Final Smash:  End of Day
Battle entrance
Comes in with his ship and plucks three Pikmin.

Super Smash Bros. Melee[edit]

In Super Smash Bros. Melee, Olimar appears in the form of a trophy, which is unlocked if there is a Memory Card with saved game data for Pikmin inserted.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl[edit]

Various costumes of Olimar in Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Captain Olimar's playable debut in the Super Smash Bros. series is Super Smash Bros. Brawl, as one of the game's default fighters. Olimar is one of the smaller and lighter characters in the game. He fights with the help of up to six Pikmin, which follow him and are required in order to perform most of his attacks. Each type of Pikmin (red, blue, yellow, purple, and white) has its own attributes, which produce different effects for Olimar's attacks.

Olimar had to be scaled up drastically, even more so than Kirby, for his appearance in the Super Smash Bros. series, as according to the Pikmin game manual, he is only about an inch tall. Olimar does not have any voice effects (unless players count his whistles as a voice effect) in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, making him the only playable character in the game without a star KO sound effect (although he would later share this trait with other characters in future installments).

Olimar's standard special is Pikmin Pluck, which allows him to pull up more Pikmin (if he has less than six) from the ground. His side special is Pikmin Throw, in which Olimar tosses one of his Pikmin at his opponents. His down special is Pikmin Order, which allows him to call his Pikmin back to his side and grants him super armor as a defensive option. His up special is Pikmin Chain, in which Olimar tosses all of his Pikmin in a chain as a tether recovery. His Final Smash is End of Day, in which he takes off while Bulborbs come on the stage and start attacking the players, similarly to the "end of day" sequence from the Pikmin games. His home stage is the Distant Planet.

One of Olimar's costumes makes him look very similar to his sidekick, Louie.

Adventure Mode: The Subspace Emissary[edit]
Olimar's snapshot in the Subspace Emissary

Captain Olimar's Pikmin are attacking a huge R.O.B.. However, the R.O.B. spins around and all the Pikmin that are latched onto him are shaken off and perish. Captain Olimar starts shivering in fear of the robot. A red Pikmin walks up to Olimar and taps him on the side. Olimar turns around and the red Pikmin points at the Blue Falcon that is speeding through the forest.

Captain Falcon jumps out of the Blue Falcon and then Falcon Punches the R.O.B., which defeats the R.O.B. instantly. Captain Falcon lands back on the ground while doing a slide similar to the Falcon Kick. However, while he is sliding on the ground, he accidentally kills the Pikmin who are in the way. Olimar and the Captain then team up to fight the Subspace Army.

Upon reaching the edge of the Isle of the Ancients, they witness Diddy Kong attacking Primids in order to rescue his pal Donkey Kong. Falcon and a reluctant Olimar then decide to join forces with the Kongs, and upon reaching them, the Primids return with backup. Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Captain Falcon, and Olimar manage to fight them off before they see off Falco Lombardi, who had helped Diddy in bringing him to the ship that Donkey was held on.

The ship takes Olimar and his crew inside the Subspace Bomb Factory. They eventually find the Ancient Minister, alongside Pikachu and Samus Aran. Ganondorf suddenly appears via hologram and commands the R.O.B.s in the room to detonate the Subspace Bombs inside the factory so he can create a large enough hole in space to fit a Subspace Gunship through. The Ancient Minister through desperation reveals himself to be the leader of the R.O.B.s and helps the other heroes defeat the Subspace enemies that Ganondorf dispatched. Olimar, with R.O.B. and the rest of the heroes, escapes from the island before it is dragged into Subspace. All of the protagonists then unite to take down the Subspace Gunship and enter Subspace. Olimar and the others are subsequently turned into trophies by Tabuu however.

Luckily, King Dedede had created badges that revive trophies beforehand, with Ness and Luigi eventually coming to their senses amidst the rubble of Dedede's Castle, which was destroyed by Bowser earlier on. The two eventually decide to revive Dedede and journey into Subspace to revive as many heroes as possible. Olimar is one of the trophies that may be revived by them when they enter Subspace. However it is optional for the player to revive him.

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U[edit]

Olimar's artwork from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U
Pre-release screenshot of Olimar fighting Mario in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Olimar appears as a default playable character in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. His appearance has been altered from the previous game, adding a whistle into his helmet like in Pikmin 3. Instead of having six Pikmin like in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Olimar can now only pluck three Pikmin at a time, and in a certain order (being red, yellow, blue, white, and purple). His up special move has also been changed to Winged Pikmin, in which a pair of Winged Pikmin fly Olimar through the air for a short time; however, the more active Pikmin he has, the heavier he is when using this move. Four of Olimar's alternate costumes replace him with Alph from Pikmin 3, who acts as a separate character to Olimar, while still taking up the same slot as him. His attacks and statistics are identical to Olimar's with any and all changes merely being cosmetic. As with other alternative costumes, the games do not acknowledge him as a separate character from Olimar in battle records and miscellaneous aspects, such as Classic Mode. The exception to this is the announcer, crowd, and character selection, all of which say and/or display his own name. He shares this trait with the Koopalings (the alternate costumes of Bowser Jr.) who are also named, but not acknowledged as separate characters.

Olimar's home stage in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U is Garden of Hope. For Equipment, Olimar can use the Pikmin equipment (usable only by him) to increase attack, the Space Suit (also available only to him) for defense, and the Boots for speed.

According to Masahiro Sakurai, the developers barely got Captain Olimar working in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS,[1] hence why the Pikmin count is reduced to three while the Pikmin are rendered as sprites.[2] Rock Pikmin were originally intended to be part of Olimar's moveset, but the idea was put in hold due to the lack of time.[3] They would have been heavy, with short reach, but high attack power, akin to a stronger version of Purple Pikmin. Alph had even been considered to be a separate clone character until it was decided to make him an alternate costume of Olimar.[4]

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate[edit]

Olimar returns as an unlockable playable fighter in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. This time, after Olimar takes sufficient damage, his helmet becomes cracked, though this is merely cosmetic as it becomes fixed soon afterwards. The alternate costumes that switch him out for Alph return.

Classic Mode route[edit]
Planetary Explorer
Round Opponent(s) Rule Stage Song
1 Mario, Rosalina Mario Galaxy Super Mario Galaxy
2 Wolf Lylat Cruise Star Wolf's Theme / Sector Z (for 3DS / Wii U)
3 Kirby, King Dedede Free-for-All Dream Land Planet Popstar
4 Zero Suit Samus Brinstar Brinstar (Melee)
5 Fox, Falco Corneria Corneria - Star Fox
6 Alph Distant Planet Garden of Hope
Final Master Hand, Crazy Hand (intensity 7.0 or higher) Final Destination Master Hand
Master Hand / Crazy Hand (intensity 7.0 or higher)

Nintendo Land[edit]

An attraction called Pikmin Adventure is featured in Nintendo Land. In this minigame, the player with the Wii U GamePad is dressed up as Olimar and uses Pikmin figurines to help him locate the lost spaceship.

Profiles and statistics[edit]

Super Smash Bros. Melee[edit]


Name Image Game Description
Captain Olimar Pikmin
The main character of the game Pikmin, Captain Olimar crash-lands on a mysterious planet after his spaceship malfunctions. In order to get off the planet, he must gather the pieces of his broken ship, but the atmosphere of the planet is poisonous to Olimar. As a result, he has to enlist the help of the native Pikmin.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl[edit]

Website bio[edit]

"Goodness! Captain Olimar joins the fray with five colors of Pikmin in tow! He plucks Pikmin from the ground and they fight as his allies.

Without Pikmin, Olimar can’t even do a Smash Attack. And the short-lived Pikmin tend to scatter. Theirs is a fated symbiotic relationship."

Instruction booklet bio[edit]

  • "A veteran spaceman who teams up with Pikmin to fight!"


Name Image Game Description
Pikmin & Olimar GCN Pikmin
GCN Pikmin 2
Veteran spacefarers in the employ of Hocotate Freight. After crash-landing on an enigmatic planet, Olimar met the mysterious beings known as Pikmin. He enlisted their aid to find his spaceship parts and help him escape. Once home, he found his employer on the verge of bankruptcy. He was sent back to the Pikmin world with his partner, Louie, to repay the company debt.

Snake's codec conversation[edit]

  • Mei Ling: Snake, have you ever heard of the ancient Chinese story, "The Vain Ocean of Wealth and Splendor" from the Zhen Zhong Ji?
  • Snake: I've been waiting for the movie.
  • Mei Ling: Basically, it's meant to express the impermanence of all things. You know, like even when Captain Olimar has lots of Pikmin with him, they could all be gone the next moment. Those poor little guys--they carry, they fight, they multiply...and they get eaten. Olimar might have lots of company one minute and be all alone the next. It's so sad.
  • Snake: But he can pluck out more Pikmin anytime he wants, right?
  • Mei Ling: Well, yeah, I suppose so.
  • Snake: No one truly fights alone. Not even me.
  • Mei Ling: ...You're absolutely right, Snake. Good luck. I'm rooting for you.

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U[edit]


Name 3DS trophy Wii U trophy Category Appears in Trophy Box Description
Olimar Fighter GCN Pikmin (12/2001)
GCN Pikmin 2 (08/2004)
62: Space Explorer A veteran spaceship pilot for Hocotate Freight, Captain Olimar partners with Pikmin in Smash Bros. to help him in battle. Olimar is much stronger when he's got Pikmin with him, so keep them plucked and good to go. Pikmin abilities are based on their color—learn what each is best at!
Captain Olimar, veteran Hocotate Freight astronaut, joins forces with Pikmin again in this game to take on the world. Olimar isn't much of an attacker without Pikmin by his side, so you should always keep some ready. Pikmin have different abilities depending on their colour, so learn how they work to use them effectively!
Olimar (Alt.) Fighter GCN Pikmin (12/2001)
GCN Pikmin 2 (08/2004)
62: Space Explorer Pikmin aren't just good for attacking, you know. For example, when you throw them, they can pick up items on their way back. Only items that aren't very heavy, though! Also, if there's someone charging or shooting at you, a well-timed Pikmin throw can stop them in their tracks!
Pikmin aren't just good for attacking, you know. For example, when you throw them, they can pick up items on their way back. Only items that aren't very heavy, but still! Also, if there's someone charging or shooting at you, a well-timed Pikmin throw can stop them. Just don't forget to replace your Pikmin when they're gone!

Palutena's Guidance[edit]

  • Pit: Oh, it's that explorer guy.
  • Palutena: Did you know that Pikmin are named after Pikpik carrots, a vegetable native to Hocotate?
  • Pit: Huh. Guess you learn something new every day.
  • Viridi: Enough with the pointless fun facts. Let's talk fighting strategy. Here's what I know about those Pikmin. Red Pikmin are strong! Yellow Pikmin fly high! Blue Pikmin have the mightiest throw! White Pikmin are fastest! Purple Pikmin are heavy and the most powerful! Be sure you remember all this, Pit.
  • Pit: Uh, right.
  • Palutena: There are also Winged Pikmin that don't attack you. Numerous Pikmin will weigh down the Winged Pikmin. And that's when you should attack!


  • Captain Olimar is a veteran spaceship pilot and the main character of the Pikmin series. After crash-landing on an enigmatic planet, Olimar met the mysterious and tiny beings known as Pikmin. He enlisted their aid to recover his spaceship parts, battle monstrous enemies, and help him escape. Recently, Olimar’s even been spotted teaming up with Pikmin in wild and frenetic matches of something called Bingo Battle!

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate[edit]


No. Name Image Series / game Type Class Strength / effect(s) How to obtain Spirit battle
Opponent(s) Battle conditions Stage Song
798 Olimar Pikmin Series Fighter N/A N/A Classic Mode as Olimar N/A N/A N/A N/A

Super Smash Blog bio[edit]

  • Captain Olimar battles by issuing commands to various types of Pikmin under his control. Pikmin come in different colors that correspond to different abilities. Olimar's alternate appearance lets you play as Alph!

List of appearances[edit]

Title Year of release System/format Description
Luigi's Mansion 2001 Nintendo GameCube Cameo in trailer for Pikmin
Pikmin 2001 Nintendo GameCube Playable character
Super Smash Bros. Melee 2001 Nintendo GameCube Cameo as trophy
Pikmin 2 2004 Nintendo GameCube Playable character
Super Smash Bros. Brawl 2008 Wii Playable character
WarioWare: D.I.Y. 2010 Nintendo DS Cameo in microgame (overseas releases only)
Pikmin 3 2013 Wii U Supporting character, playable character (certain modes)
Mario Kart 8 2014 Wii U Cameo as an amiibo racing suit
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS 2014 Nintendo 3DS Playable character
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U 2014 Wii U Playable character
Yoshi's Woolly World 2015 Wii U Cameo as one of the skins for Yoshi
Super Mario Maker 2015 Wii U Cameo as a costume for the Costume Mario power-up
Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World 2017 Nintendo 3DS Cameo as one of the skins for Yoshi
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe 2017 Nintendo Switch Cameo as an amiibo racing suit
Hey! Pikmin 2017 Nintendo 3DS Playable character
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 2018 Nintendo Switch Unlockable playable character
Pikmin 3 Deluxe 2020 Nintendo Switch Supporting character


  • "...I detect a strange, yet pleasing aroma drifting through the atmosphere of this cafe. It would seem to require further investigation..." - Unused quote from Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
  • "What is this? Before my eyes stands a strange life form. It resembles me slightly, so I shall dub it...Marlio! ...Further investigation indicates that the drink that this Marlio holds is the source of the aroma. I shall now partake of its flavor. Why! Its flavor is most satisfying! Finding that such a drink could be partook of in such a place is a tremendous discovery, indeed! This Marlio creature exhibits what seems to be a longing expression... Perhaps it will react if I present it with something... I have just noticed a strange, unsightly green creature standing next to the Marlio... It could be a dangerous life form. I feel I should attack it before it attacks me. " - Unused quote from Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga



Sprites and models[edit]


Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese オリマー
Olimar; also, an anagram of Mario's name

Chinese (simplified) 奥利马
Ōulìmǎ (Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)
Olimar; also, an anagram of Mario's name

Chinese (traditional) 奧利馬
Ōulìmǎ (Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)
Olimar; also, an anagram of Mario's name

Korean 올리마

Russian Олимар


The misspelled name on the website
  • In the Super Smash Bros. series, Olimar's eyes never glow yellow if he has broken the Smash Ball, not even if he is attacked.
  • According to design documents, at one point during development of Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Alph was being considered as a fully separate playable character; he would have been a clone of Olimar, except with the addition of utilizing Rock Pikmin.[5]
  • On his fighter page on the desktop version of the official English Super Smash Bros. Ultimate website, Olimar's name was originally misspelled as "Olimer." This mistake has since been corrected.


  1. ^ Soma. (July 29, 2015) “I Answer Some Questions,” Sakurai Famitsu column vol. 461-464, on Ice Climbers, clones, and Smash Run SourceGaming. Retrieved October 28, 2015.
  2. ^ Spazzy_D (July 29, 2015). Smash Bros. Roster Cuts SourceGaming. Retrieved October 28, 2015.
  3. ^ Masked Man (July 3, 2015). Additional Cut/ Dropped Content in Smash for 3DS/Wii U. SourceGaming. Retrieved October 28, 2015.
  4. ^ Masked Man (July 29, 2015). Plucky Little Guys: Olimar and Alph in Smash 4 SourceGaming. Retrieved October 28, 2015.
  5. ^ Plucky Little Guys: Olimar and Alph in Smash 4. Source Gaming (July 29, 2015). Retrieved July 30, 2015.